Sean Hannity tears into Vivek Ramaswamy, says he's "not qualified to be president" (video)

Originally published at: Sean Hannity tears into Vivek Ramaswamy, says he's "not qualified to be president" (video) | Boing Boing


You deny your own words. So why don’t you just own what you say and stand by it and stop playing these games?

The passion would be more convincing if Hannity had spent any time over the past decade demanding the same of a certain grifter who did exactly those things all the time. I wonder what it is about Ramaswamy that makes him feel more comfortable finding his spine…


Obviously, Hannity does not feel Ramaswamy is the white kind of Republican.


Telling Ramaswamy what he wants to say to Trump, but they’re too enmeshed.


Sean Hannity tears into Vivek Ramaswamy, says he’s “not qualified to be president”

Well he’s right - but Hannity’s only saying it because he’s so far up Trump’s arse he could do his dentistry from the inside.


“I think people who never held public office, like you, maybe they’re not qualified to be president!”

Where was that stipulation in the 2016 election?


It’s starting to feel unnecessary, with the absolute torching Hannity gave him here, even though it makes Hannity a hypocrite because he won’t do the same to Trump.


Trump supporters claiming anyone isn’t qualified to be president are, of course, hilarious hypocrites. There’s really no metric by which anyone would be worse (and usually they’re not even close to being as bad) - knowledge, experience, cognitive ability, temperament, morals, conflicts of interest… (the list goes on, extensively). Unless they’re claiming someone isn’t a big enough asshole to be president.


Hannity: …You say stuff and then you deny it. You deny your own words. So, you know, why don’t you just own what you say and stand by it and stop playing these games.

Isn’t this pretty much the Fox News modus operandi? I guess no one wants to say the quiet parts out loud: the audience has the collective memory of a goldfish and psychological projection is pretty much on brand with their crowd. Less so self-awareness. Also, thinking is hard. (-‸ლ)

shouldn’t he be looking for a candidate who is worthy of his unqualified support?

… if we look at both parties, Ramaswamy is in sixth place, right? It’s Biden, then Trump, then RFK Jr., then DeSantis, Haley, and Ramaswamy

He’s basically the Republican Andrew Yang

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He’s never had problems telling Trump before.


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