Seth Meyers lists off Trump’s qualifications (video)

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That is such an excellent terse compendium of nigh everything horrid about trump, that one could wish that a (gedankenexperiment) ‘booth’ could be set up where likely trump voters are wandering about and promise them a free corndog if only they’d watch that entire video. Would it shift any of them? Most of them, no, but maybe just maybe, one or two would pause mid-bite and consider their choices a wee-bit before swallowing and chucking the stick. (“You’re fool’n yerself mate - you’d get nuthin’ but some mustard on folding chairs”)


Yeah, whenever I try to list these off to trump supporters they just start talking about hunter biden and hillary clinton in some pathetic attempt to provide false equivalency while simultaneously helping them dig themselves deeper into their own sunk cost fallacy.


Not to be disagreeable, but that was the short list. The greatest hits. The highlights (or lowlights). It’s difficult to put oneself through the recollection of it, but the fact is, his presidency was an almost daily storm of shit. Literally, factually, every two to three days something new was done or said by Trump or his administration that broke a norm, flouted a law, pissed on human decency, lied about plain facts, insulted an institution or individual, or stuck its thumb in the eye of justice.

I’m convinced that if Trumpworld were thoroughly mined of its outrages in 2015 - 2021 alone, it would take Meyers a solid 30 minutes to list.


And of course any one of those scandals would be enough to end most public figures’ careers forever.


That’s the horrible part. In their ill-conceived race to install a traitorous mobster, the GOP broke “responsibility”. They still play the responsibility card against the democrats, of course, but any criminal or anti-social activity performed by a republican is now defended by the mob. And there are so many people in the mob that our entire planet remains at risk.

And it all comes back to money. Build a “news” network, buy some judges and congressmen and women, and you too can get away with literally anything.

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