This is appalling, but not much different from the routine police handcuffing of elementary school students when they act up and teachers, prevented from using reasonable disciplinary action, must call police to deal with the situation.
So your position is that if the border agents were allowed to beat children, then handcuffing would not be required?
I generally stop reading when I see posts about awful things that begin this way because they usually just exist to distract from or downplay the awfulness of the thing under discussion.
In the US, toddlers shoot more people each year than (non-toddler) terrorists.
So it’s completely justified.
Just to stay vigilant about avoiding fake news, it looks like at least some aspects of the “5-year-old kid getting handcuffed” story may not be legit:
But real or not, Sean Spicer’s defense of said behavior really DID happen.
And, handcuffed or not, there was a five year old citizen detained and kept from his family for most of a day during this.
Yes. It’s a disgusting and horrifying sequence of events whether the kid was actually handcuffed or not, made even more horrifying by the White House’s position that it wouldn’t have been a problem if the kid HAD been handcuffed.
This is appalling, but…
The only good thing that followed a butt was Sir Mix A Lot.
He signed up for it and wanted it. He was a the communications director for the RNC and made the decision to work for Trump.
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