Self-pitying Capitol rioter Rachel Powell, headed for prison, shows no remorse in CNN interview

So you never see men being described by the number of their offspring in headlines like these. How many children she has, and how many they have has no bearing on the crimes she committed. “A childless person in a fur cape and wearing a bison-horn adorned hat was among those in the riots” was not a description used for the shaman guy. There was one texan who was turned in to the FBI by his own kids, and that was the reason they were part of the story. Can you imagine those grandkids at school “grandma had to go to prison! She was defending our way of life!”


I can’t help thinking her children might be relieved to be rid of her, if they’re not Trumpers themselves and if they’ve come to terms with the fact that grandma is a bonkers cultist for life with no chance of redemption.


I was thinking that I own a few axes, and never managed to break a window with them.

And then I remembered in high school, when I was chopping wood at a friend’s house, as we were having a bonfire. The axe slipped out my hand on the backswing. I suppose I should be glad it only broke a window. His parents were very nice about it, more amused than mad.


The comment you replied to is about how women in the news get identified much more often than men do in terms of their offspring and how many they have than men do.

The point is not about how many offspring they have.

It’s instead that it sucks that we still live in a patriarchy that thinks it’s natural to associate women wirh their offspring, but not men.


Removing her from her children’s life sounds like the best possible thing that could happen to them.


This woman is expecting Trump to pardon her in late January 2025.

Actually she probably thinks it will happen the night of the election.


This is one of those weird places for me:

On the one had, I bemoan the condition & state of the US prison system and I agree that it is a hellhole and in dire need of reform.

On the other: I’m sorry (not sorry), but you betrayed this country. I’m as bleeding-heart as anyone else, but I love my country. Your tears mean nothing.

The best I can offer by combining the two: I hope you come out of this a better person.


episode 8 bullshit GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race


Raising kids is tough, but having many kids doesn’t automatically mean they’ll be neglected. Apart from the implied mysogeny of reporting on the number of a woman’s children — because a woman is defined by her fertility, right? — is that in the US this situation is often associated with fringe right wing religious philosophies such as the quiverful movement or conservative Catholics opposing birth control.

There is nothing wrong with a large family. I grew up in a large family and my brothers, sister. And I have participated in exactly zero insurrections.


Indeed, a typical tabloid tactic, “Rachel Powell, grandmother of 6, aged 43, 38-36-38, rated 6.3 on the Mohs Hotness Scale.”


My mother was a goddamn saint.


My Me-ma, too, for that matter.


I only have 4. Whew! Guess I just snuck in under the barrier of “adequate parenting!”

No, just no. This is lazy, judgmental and plain wrong. Take your prejudices elsewhere, please.


Which is just a grosser version of how pretty much the entirety of U.S. culture thinks differently about women and men in relation to their children.


I was thinking the same thing, TBH.
I have friends my age that have multiple grandkids. But they’re all about a decade and a half older than her…


There are timelines that would make that not too scary.

At 20, she has her first child. At 21, she has her second and at 22, her third. Having three kids in the span of three years would be hectic to say the least, but it’s not unheard of especially if she got support from her family to help raise them.

When each of her kids are 20, they have their first child. At 21, they each have their second.

Voila, a 43 year old grandmother of six.

One wish I’ve offered on occasion: May you get the help you need to escape the Cult of Trump.


Aren’t a certain group of 'merkins apt to say “FIFO”?
She found out but learned nothing.

Rot in hell lady. You and your gold-plated god-emperor SUCK. Losers.
Both should pass away in prison and be buried in an unmarked grave.




Sounds like an excerpt from “If You Give a Mouse a Machete”