Senator John McCain is dead

I don’t think that’s entirely true. One of the reasons avoiding regular order was so important was so they could hide the horrible consequences of the bill. So being a champion of “regular order” was also ensuring they couldn’t sneak a terrible bill through the door.

But I suspect he was also concerned about the consequences of the healthcare bill on its own merit, as evidenced by the fact that he voted for the tax bill for which the process wasn’t much better.


In a democracy? All of them.


I was thinking the same thing. I imagine when the news spreads to various peasant villages in Afghanistan or Ecuador, a whole bunch of little brown kids will climb out of fox holes and ask whether its safe to go out and play now. And then get hit by hellfire missiles.

Bloodthirsty (and misogynist) fucker of the highest order. Just cos he hated Trump and Putin, doesn’t make him a good man.


Look, no matter how much people are fighting in this section about him can we AT LEAST agree that we are sad that the conservatives’ preference for leadership went from this…

…to this


I think their roots go back much further than her. Remember nutty Newt Gingrich with his Contract with America and his college “history” class where (among other things) he spent weeks talking about the Civil War without once mentioning slavery?


Probably. This lowlife has been trying to get the job for years…


There is a clear line of descent from this to that. McCain played a key role in creating the modern Republican party.

Note that in John McCain’s famous moment of “decency”, he did not correct the questioner’s assumption that Arab = bad. Instead, he affirmed that Obama was not an Arab and was apparently a decent man (as opposed to all those clearly evil Arabs).


Don’t worry. I’m sure she didn’t believe him anyway, considers him a traitor for losing the election, and voted for Trump in 2016. Our march to fanatical extremism won’t be slowed by corrections of falsities or moralizing statements. /bitter-s

We’re good and truly fucked and, unless a few more famous people kick the can, the media will spend all week eulogizing McCain while ignoring real problems engulfing this country and the world.


Is that fiscal conservative as in carefully looking at the costs of programs, identifying areas of waste and inefficiency; or as in reactionary slashing of any spending on the undeserving poors (even where programs can be shown to save money), defunding programs and then claiming that they don’t work?


Political conservationism divorced itself from the meaning of the word a long long time ago. In the political context it no longer means conserving resources in the economy or traditions in the social structure. It means plundering economic resources and fostering hate to drive populism for person gain or white supremacy or both. That’s why I categorically refuse to call Republicans, Tories and other “neoconservatives” conservative.


Too true.


Most actual conservatives make up the right wing of the main left leaning parties now. There are still a few of the old Tory wets who are still MPs though, like Kenneth Clarke. Not enough to make a difference, unfortunately.


I accepted that “social conservative” became the rock that the reactionary, racist, xenophobe, bible-humpers crawled under, but “fiscal conservative” should at least have some grounding in fiscal sense, not lies and unicorn farts.


I reject both, in part because, like many on the Left, I hold some values and positions that are geared towards actual fiscal responsibility and a critical curation of traditions of the inter-cultural continuum that I recognize as not all bad. I won’t cede that word to cronyism and bigotry. Whether or not my refusal to do so has any practical utility is clearly debatable, but I’m not a strict utilitarian.


He was a Lieutenant Commander in Viet Nam. That is not a policy making position. This statement is like holding the groundpounders responsible for stupid criminal decisions made in D.C. McCain is one of the folks who I can say I disagree with but still respect. The episode where he shut down the woman calling Obama an Arab secured his place in my heart.

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So you’re fine with his implication then that “Arabs” are bad people?



Fiscal conservative is to classism as social conservative is to sexism or racism [1]. In both cases, the bullshit theory underlying it is just the pretext for the exploitation/dominance that is the true purpose.

Why do we expect classism to be more respectable than the other -isms?


[1] Plenty of overlap between them, of course. As Dr Davis notes:


I don’t think that could be addressed in a 10 second encounter. Realistically he was a conservative Republican, and therefore I disagreed with almost every position he took. We are in a place right now where we tend to demonize anyone we disagree with and deny them any positive traits. If that continues, we are doomed. You cannot run a democracy if someone with a different position from yours is not wrong but is evil, demonic and must be destroyed. This is a very common trope on the right. Would not like seeing it on the left.


Completing the thought, McCain is one I can disagree with but still respect.

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I cannot confirm the veracity of this…but I can imagine it mostly being true