Senator John McCain is dead

Why not?

“Now ma’am, let’s be careful about your implication that all Arabs are bad people. That’s obviously not true. It’s terrorism that’s the problem, whoever is doing it.”

Boom, less than ten seconds.

Of course he said no such thing, because “Muslim/Arab = terrorist” has become a standard Republican canard, one that he fully supported and promulgated.


“He who warned the British that they weren’t going to be taking away our arms, by ringing those bells, and making sure as he’s riding his horse through town to send those warning shots and bells that we were going to be secure and we were going to be free.”

Palinista: circa 2008


He shut down the main thrust of her craziness with no hemming or wiggling. Was it perfect? No. Was he perfect? Hell no. But at the time and in that moment he flew in the face of what was a growing (And still present) meme on the alt right and which is still believed by many of them. I don’t see many on the right doing that then or now.

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I don’t think I’m letting perfection be the enemy of the good.

He often promulgated racism, and this was another instance of that. We shouldn’t pretend otherwise.


It’s telling and ironic that in death, McCain is being savaged by both the left and the right.


McCain was demonstrably a bigot, as shown by even the things he said on the public record. And I’m confident he was racist toward Arabs. But I don’t believe that that particular exchange proves it by itself. If he had said what you said and failed to correct the falsehood of Obama’s ethnicity, he’d have been responsible for implying that Obama isn’t an African-American. Watching the clip, it’s clear he wasn’t thinking about the implication of Arabs being untrustworthy but of the incorrect statement about his opponent. That said, one could argue that the former didn’t occur to him because the implication of Arabs as untrustworthy was so self-evident to him as to be obvious. And I do think that’s precisely what he thought of Arabs, but if all I had to judge him on it was that clip, I would be unable to draw that conclusions solely from it.


infuckingcomprehensible gibberish (but in this case, there was some semblance of a single thought)


What’s your point, other than defending him?


He also thrust that craziness onto the national stage. There is a straight line from him choosing her as a running mate to the current fucked up situation.


Not pretending otherwise. Some of his comments from the 80’s were indefensible. Positions he has taken offend me deeply. Palin was unforgivable. But again, if we are going to live in a democracy, we need to be able to have respect for the opponent. On the right, McCain was one of the last that i could say i felt we could actual talk to. His kind is rapidly going extinct. After this election, whether we dems pull of the blue wave or not, pretty much all sane Republicans will be gone and the remaining goons will make McCain look like an absolute saint.


I feel strongly that the word “Arizona” in the graphic above the press release should be unbolded and unitalicized to match “U.S. Senator”.

About McCain, I am ambivalent.

Even Trump? People need to have respect for the truth and the rule of law, not for politicians.

Human decency isn’t relative. How we relate to the measure of a person’s character should not be contingent on the measures of the characters of others.

It’s one thing if you respect McCain or don’t in and of himself. It’s another thing to respect him because of the people around him.


Yes, the part about guns.


The last time any Republican did anything for working people was when Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. But thanks McCain anyways…


I think you may misunderstand. Comparing McCain to the current loony bin that is the Republican party is comparable to asking if I would prefer arguing with a sane and fairly responsible person with whom I wholeheartedly disagree or with a pack of starving hyenas while wearing a meat suit. With apologies to hyenas. Yes, McCain looks pretty good in that scenario. And as for the Trump question, that us the heart of my argument. No, I have no respect for that sack of orange shit. Therefore, I cannot see having any kind of real discussion with him or his minions.

Yeahyeahyeah, McCain wasn’t as bad as some other republicans.

I don’t think you’re saying anything with that point that pretty much anyone here would disagree with.


Again, not as evil isn’t the same as good because goodness isn’t relative. I get that you prefer McCain to current Republicans. Given the choice, most people prefer the lesser among evils, as @milliefink just pointed out. But you’ve reiterated the point several times and I’m asking if you have any other or if this conversation is simply going to go around in a circle.


I really did not think tnat I was being controversial. I am a little sad that his death probably marks the end of even a flicker of sanity in the Republican party. That is all. We need to make damn sure we get out and vote in November to minimize the damage these asylum dwellers can cause.


Sorry to offend. I will go away now.

No need to go away.

I think we’re just saying that you’ve been belaboring with quite a few comments now an obvious point, a point that pretty much no one here disagrees with. If you have other points to make, please do make them.