Sesame Street 'Yip Yip' halloween costume of greatness

Not to mention that you can wear a snow suit underneath which is the hallmark of a great Halloween costume in some places.


They always reminded me of pizza slices for some reason

My amazing and hilarious uncle Mike made an even better YipYip costume a few years ago! I was jealous I hadn’t thought of it. I’ll try to get a photo from him; it wouldn’t be fair for him not to get credit for doing it first, lol.

P. S. Sesame Street is the fucking BEST. I had kids basically just so I could watch it all the time without people making fun of me.


Not to discourage anyone from doing this, but be warned the costumes are both hot and make it difficult to eat.

P.S. I’m the taller one.



I actually love this.

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The respect is mutual:


I do wonder at what point of costume insulation it makes sense to add a cooling system.

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It was a simpler time…


Me, too. It looks like they might be using their hands to make the mouth part, so it could work.

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