Shaming Ocasio-Cortez for her clothes is a classic ruse to deflect attention from real issues

Strange. My latest views have been for paint solvent and sleeping bags. What a strange party that would be.


Remember Obama’s tan suit?
I look back at that with nostalgia. A time when the news cycle was so devoid of scandals that a week is spent on a tan suit.


OK…here is how you handle the first day in Congress. Find the oldest white man in the room and break a cafeteria tray over his head. After that, no one is going to fuck with you.


The a-holes upset that she’s not dressed like The Little Match Girl should reconsider:

Alone. At night. With matches. In Congress.


One might also look at the situation as significantly stifling for men. The ways that mainstream society creates particularly limited bounds for both genders, and many other groups, are many, and pretty much all of it is f’d up IMHO.


If someone wants to devote their energies to, say, haute couture, I am honestly fine with it. Judging people based on such things, or obsessing about it to a fault, now that can be a problem.

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I don’t think I’ve ever seen an article on this.


Minus the 'old White dude ’ part, that’s a scene straight from both Weeds and the Santa Clarita Diet, but I’ll be damned if I can find an apt gif of either one.

My Google-fu must be weak today.


Are you sure you’re not thinking of Sean Spicer?



Does that asshat Scarry never watch TV?
:musical_note: Do do dit dit do do dit dit TJ Maxx :musical_note:

@Melz2 mentioned thrift shops. Once got a new-looking designer 100% cashmere suit for around $130 from one that specialized in high-end clothing. I thought it was a bit pricey, but damn, it was so soft! Got it home to find its original tags (IIRC from Saks 5th Ave) in a pocket: Jacket $1400.00, skirt $1200.00. :open_mouth:
Like the Marshall’s jingle, Don’t you just love a bargain!


At the end of the day, she’s going to be pulling down as much as a private industry mid-level executive. Why does anyone really care that she’s trying to look decent?


I found a similar deal at Filene’s Basement before they folded. My winter coat still looks great even now.


Anything ‘designer’ that I own was bought second hand; I’ve been hip to the “broke but fabulous” game for ages, to the point that I was actually a little annoyed with Macklemore for spilling the beans in his song Thrift Shop.

I really do, and I’m great at finding them.


I have a lot of shoes I should never be able to afford. There’s a “sample sale” that goes on about 3 blocks from my workplace, twice a year. All the display shoes and samples from some high-end stores I wouldn’t normally even look into. I have gotten $200 retail shoes for $40.

I am pretty sure you could find something similar in NYC, and for more than just shoes.


My point is that women had a chance to leave try and leave that bullshit behind when entering politics. But some decided to screw it up for everyone by deciding “Hey, I’ll show my independence by wearing red in this crowd of grey suited men.” Why? Why use clothes to make a statement? Why bring that into politics?

Yes, women are judged on looks. It’s a stupid vicious cycle. I see no reason to defend anyone who perpetuates it.

I doubt Bernie buys combs much less $172,000 cars. :wink:


One of my favourite political tweets of the campaign.

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It seems naive to imply that women ever had a chance to enter the public stage without their fashion choices being interpreted as some kind of statement.

Imagine the scandal if Jeannette Rankin walked into congress in 1916 wearing a gray pantsuit at a time when some parts of the United States still classified such “cross-dressing” as a criminal offense.


Oh, I utterly agree it’s a different set of standards for women.

The basement, oh yeah!

I was dragged to it as soon as I was big enough to paw through the bins to help mother find things - see this, find one that has an eight on it.. I would go sit on the bottom step of the big staircase that separated the basement and the lower basement if I ever lost sight of her, which was often given the crowds. The photo above looks like a slow day.

I went to a few of those Filene’s Basement satellite stores; too damn neat; give me the disarray and mayhem of the original! I miss it!