Sheriff on suspect who killed 8 women: "yesterday was a really bad day for him"

I’m surprised that Buzzfeed makes no mention of the fact that the logo is made up to resemble the brand for Corona breweries, so it’s racist against the Mexican population as well.



Even if someone wanted to argue that the first shooting(s) weren’t premeditated, that went out the window the moment he chose to drive to another location and keep shooting.


Lone wolf. Mentally unstable. Definitely not a terrorist because he’s white. Let’s not ruin his whole life, he’s a very fine person who made one wrong decision. Who amongst us has never made a bad decision?



Reaching into your glove compartment is premeditation

If they don’t charge somebody like this with Murder One they’re letting him off easy on purpose


Totally agree. My point was that even if someone attempted to make the argument, driving from location to location (to location, and then again) invalidates it.


I felt the comment by Scientist above was very eloquent, relevant and generally well constructed but “Fuck you, Sheriff fuckface” is better.


Can we maybe get this case transferred to the FBI or Georgia Bureau of Investigation or some other law enforcement agency that isn’t the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Department?


Would your opinion of the sheriff change if I said he was promoting anti-Chinese COVID apparel on Facebook? There’s a twitter post of screenshots purporting to be from sheriff Jay Baker’s facebook encouraging people to buy “COVID-19 – IMPORTED VIRUS FROM CHY-NA” t-shirts. The NY Times and Al Jazeera are running with the story so I’ll assume it’s true for now.

To me this smells a lot like the mayor of Mill Valley (California). In a public meeting she dismissed a question about what she would be doing to protect black lives because it was “not a matter of local importance”. He supporters trotted out the Baker Act and claimed she couldn’t answer even if she wanted to. That all sounded very reasonable until it was explained that the Baker Act does indeed allow for public questions. And in fact if her supporters had read beyond the headline they’d realize that the question was being asked because that Mill Valley resident had just seen some anti-black/anti-BLM vitriol. A bit of poking at twitter revealed that mayor McEntee was a Scott Adams fan and shared similar sentiments about BLM. Naturally McEntee’s supporters pivoted to the whole “she’s just a powerless pawn go focus on something bigger”.

And that’s just it. Trust your gut. If something sticks in your craw, there’s probably a reason why. With this sheriff, he didn’t even bother to try to hide his anti-Chinese/anti-Asian views until a few hours ago. So yeah, I think he chose his words carefully to lend as little support or credibility to the victims as possible.


What? No!


Women’s Lives Matter.


I know you say this sarcastically, but consider the Republican statements about 1/6, where they claimed that if Democrats tried to prosecute the insurrectionists, they would come back again. I am convinced this is a real thought process with them.


But the white man said it was not racially motivated, so that ends it, right? Who listens to women anyway, let alone not white ones?


How hard is it to say-- “We’re pursuing all leads as to the killers motivation. What we know is that he killed 8 people.”


In response to the backlash against the sheriff for speaking so insensitively, the sheriff’s office has put out a statement explaining that he was also just having a bad day.


Internet sleuths and journalists found Baker’s Facebook posts promoting shirts that called the novel coronavirus an “IMPORTED VIRUS FROM CHY-NA.”

OK, from now on any people who downplay this cop’s terrible framing of the slaughter are only mildly less odious than the people who downplay the crime itself.


Vox has a pretty good take-down of the “sex addiction” excuse being put forward for the asshole as well:

Atlanta shooting: Did suspect Robert Aaron Long have “a sex addiction?” What does that even mean? - Vox

"Sex addiction is “not an officially recognized diagnosis,” Michael Vigorito, a marriage and family therapist and co-author of the book Treating Out of Control Sexual Behavior: Rethinking Sex Addiction , told Vox. It’s a colloquial term, much like “nervous breakdown.”

That doesn’t mean people can’t have problems with their sexual feelings or behavior, experts say. But those problems don’t necessarily follow the patterns of other addictions. And sometimes, in cases where someone has committed harassment, assault, or other violence, a claim of sex addiction can be a way of deflecting blame. “If you’ve committed sexually reprehensible actions, it becomes a way of offloading personal responsibility,” Ian Kerner, a marriage and family therapist who often works with patients on sex, told Vox."


Even if sex addiction were a thing, the addiction wouldn’t have caused the murders. Heroin addicts don’t kill their suppliers. “Sex addiction” would only explain why he patronized those businesses. If he is going this route to explain his murders then what he is saying is that his religious convictions drove him to it. He is basically saying that he is a fundamentalist terrorist.

edit: poor word choice that might be interpreted as anti-Islam removed.


The article goes into that very briefly:

Or they might simply be feeling a conflict between their sexual desires and other aspects of their lives. “They may have an interest in sex outside of their relationship but they’re in a monogamous agreement,” Vigorito said. “They may be interested in a particular sexual behavior that goes against their religious or moral values.”

This seems to be where they are going with him. And yeah, that would pretty much be terrorism.


One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
“Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You’d walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don’t understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me.”

He whispered, “Yeah, that’s when I bailed on you.
You’re an effing mess!”


the husband of the white woman who was killed was kept handcuffed in a room for four hours because the police didn’t believe a hispanic man was married to a white woman.

i haven’t seen this anywhere other than in spanish-language media. google translate gives the prose an idiosyncratic quality but you can make out what’s being said.