Did you notice how quickly the argument ended and everything settled down as soon as a gun was drawn?
Offer only valid for certain demographics.
Don’t let the word get out on that or the NRA might start lobbying for just that.
Worked at a different retailer in the past (Kohls). We had the majority of the black friday items on the floor, the ones that were lower in stock number we’d keep in the back. If a customer wanted to grab one of the items on the floor previous to the sale they were free to do so but they were not going to get a deal on it. A few customers would argue on that point but it was something management would not budge on so it was an easy thing to stonewall dumb customers on.
Glad i don’t work retail now.
Yeah that’s what they did the next year. You could buy it whenever, but the sale price didn’t go into effect until the sale started. Occasionally Walmart learns from their mistakes. Of course, they promptly forget them again within a couple of years.
I was arrested years ago because some jackass attacked me and my girlfriend. The minute he got a swing on her, the proportional aspect of things went out the window. Pre-cell phone days, and we were trying to get someone to call the police and the dude just kept getting up and going at it. So I ended up doing something that caused enough damage that he was hospitalized for several days because I absolutely did not have the energy to keep repeating the process. If I had a gun, at some point he would have been dead.
I do not like guns and as much of a wussy as I am, I’d feel like a far bigger wuss if I had to carry a device that was intended to be the I’M A WUSS calling card. And yet, I defend anyone’s right to do so. I was lucky…I had just enough alcohol and adrenalin in my system that night that I was able to protect myself. Any other night, I might have ended up dead. But it is one time out of 45 years and statistically, I’m not due for another 45 years. Maybe I’ll buy a gun when I’m 90.
However, when someone else attacks you, the proportional part isn’t ‘Proportional to what they are throwing at you’. This is not a competition. It is not a sporting event. You have NO duty to ethics in this. The proportional part is “What is required to stop the attack against you”. In my case, the judge saw me the next morning, and after all was said and done, the judge said “I carry and I would have shot him” and everything was dismissed. The cops thought I went way overboard (the fact that it was on a college campus might have had something to do with it).
But all in all, proportional is about what it takes to stop the action against you. If someone is throwing punches, throwing them back may not stop them. And you may get injured in the process. What does it take to stop from getting injured in a situation not of your making.
Now if it is of your own making? Fuck you. I hope you end up in the hospital. Or jail. Preferably both.
I’m pretty sure she was the homecoming queen back in 1987.
You’re making sense rather than tirading for or against guns. Are you sure you are on the correct Internet? Or planet for that matter?
You’re acknowledging him making sense? Sir i might have to hit you with a sock full of pennies. Not on my internet.
An elegant weapon for a more civilised age…
To put a very fine point on it, that’s bullshit.
This was a minor scuffle involving a woman getting her hair pulled over a damn notebook, and this lady brought in the threat of deadly force.
More would need to be known about how things escalated, but really both parties had every chance to de-escalate the situation. When someone has a firearm they have to follow that line of thought, you must use every possible chance you have not to pull your gun unless you are willing to use it.
Does this situation seem like the kind that warrants not only flashing a gun, but actively pointing it at people? Hell no. This is the kind of shit that gives gun owners a bad rep.
People have lost their lives having their heads bashed against concrete. She was already pulled to the ground and three people were fighting her. I honestly don’t know the rest of the context, but there are three people against one, with the one on the ground.
Anything else is just making up facts.
Three people against one.
I’m going to assume that this person is in danger. And as I said, if she instigated it…fuck her. However, we don’t have these facts. We have the facts of Three People Vs. One.
So you can say it is bullshit, but if someone you love is in a situation like this, I hope you do EVERYTHING you can to stop them from being injured further. And if you don’t…you truly are a piece of shit.
Again, unless the person on the ground started it, in which case fuck them. I can’t stress this enough. At least not for this site.
This entire thread:
I dunno, it has my new favoritest quote in it!
I understand where you’re coming from, defending someone you love if they are in an altercation. We can debate and discuss this at length, but we might act or think differently when confronted with this situation for real. That being said, owning a gun automatically increases one’s chances of someone in the household being shot by a large margin. I am 100% all for gun ownership but it does present a lethal option that i am personally unwilling to be responsible for.
I took years of martial arts and maybe that part of my background influences me but i just don’t put myself or anyone i love directly into danger if i can avoid it. This mother did not do that and i feel that having to pull a gun on people was directly her fault.
At the risk of being overly snarky, people have also lost their lives from being bitten by cobras, poisoned by arsenic, and crashing their scooter, but given that none of those things were happening I’m not sure they’re great justifications for pulling a gun during this scuffle at WalMart.
See, you don’t actually believe this. Let’s say that instead of pulling and pointing the gun, the lady decided that she really did need to do EVERYTHING she could to end the fight and she shot each of the other women in the head, killing each. If, as you argue, the lady with the gun truly owed no duty to ethics and should have done EVERYTHING she could do to stop her daughter from being injured, then that should be acceptable to you.
But obviously that’s not the case, because the social contract and your obligations as a human being don’t get thrown out the window because someone is pulling your daughter’s hair over a notebook.