Sin all over our comics covers!

The exclamation point does suggest it is in the imperative voice, doesn’t it?

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Writing is hard - let’s go read comics!


Or, as the subject suggests, do entirely other things with comics.

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It wouldn’t surprise me if someone actually has been, you know. Probably a canny few someones, sadly.

This is as close as I expect to see you admitting an error of judgement.

Actually I have NFI if you’re being sarcastic when you say you’re ‘itching’ to discuss what the thread was supposedly meant to be about, because your headline was nothing like:

‘Uber-douchey reaction to criticism of this image, because critic female’

Almost seems like you were trying to disprove the ‘because’ there, by clutching your pearls over the pic and straw-manning up your own uber-douche.

Uber-douche says - hi, get stuffed.

I’m sad the lady was threatened, that is a shame and the real story. :frowning: That is unacceptable, but really that is just the other side of the coin of a puritanical society that leads to unhealthy forms of repression and sexualization. It is a symptom of an unhealthy relationship to sexuality. I wish I could say I’m surprised, but you’d have to be pretty daft to not have seen that coming from a mile away.

Really there is nothing exceptional about the comic cover compared to most other covers, it doesn’t really stand out per se. It is fairly normal for the genera. Getting upset over that specific cover is just stupid. Sensationalizing that cover is just stupid. Having the larger conversation about sexualization in comic book art is not, nor is discussing the reaction to the person who wrote about the cover and was threatened. Talking about the effects of sexual repression in society is not. Those are the intelligent conversation and the real important meaningful conversations. Sensationalizing the specific cover is missing the point and detracting from the more important larger conversation. It is just setting up the pins for unintelligent blather.

Also, if you want to have this conversation intelligently, then you have to first realize that that cover is very tame mild stuff in comparison to some forms of comics that exist in other countries, henti I’m looking at you, especially some of the sub-generas like lolicon that have girls under 12 in actual full on explicit sex scenes. There have been some very intelligent debates on the subject that don’t stupe to sensationalized headlines and actually discuss both sides of the issue in a way that explores the ramifications. Some point to the potential damage these types of comics potentially cause and others to the outlet they potentially proved and the damage they potentially prevent. There have even been a few studies, but no one really knows for sure. I don’t really know much about it myself because usually I steer clear of these uncomfortable debates and even thinking about this subject makes me uneasy because I was raised in a culture that said sex is bad, underage sex is very bad. I don’t think I am alone, really this is a very uncomfortable conversation for many people, especially for puritanical Americans, so instead of having an intelligent conversation about art, repression, sexualization, age in relation to sexualization, healthy sexuality, or any other meaningful conversation…we have this ridiculous exchange about comic book cover boob size. The boob size, or if they are real or not, doesn’t really matter in the big picture, the important conversation is about sexualization and the reaction to the author who wrote about this cover. sighs, really people, is this the best we can do?

(at least that is my take for whatever it is worth…anyway…i doubt that we will see that level of intellectual conversation about a topic like this on BB anytime soon.)


I don’t know, I’ve seen the occasional thread where most replies on a tricky subject were thoughtful, high-quality stuff.

Helps when the contributing editor involved doesn’t start trash-talking respected posters though I bet.

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The comment of mine you’re referring to was sarcastic. Yes, I know you can’t tell.

You’re still so very angry about that headline. And it’s still a wonder to me that when you read it, you refused to read the post (where you’d have learned that it cites the critic who was threatened) and went googling porn stars to show what head-sized breasts look like.

It’s not creepy, to me though I understand why other commenters found it creepy – it’s just so wildly neuro-atypical that I can’t even bring myself to ban you for your continuing anger and hostility over the matter.

Most of the hostility going on here is embodied in your hatchet job on my rep because you can’t accept fair criticism.

It was no big deal until you tried to paint me as some kind of major sleazebag for posting a pic of a fully-clothed woman who had actual head-sized breasts, something you made on-topic with your absurd headline.

So since I can’t explain your behaviour without considering you a fuckwit and/or an arsehole, well, yeah - welcome to my shit list.

Surely you got some kind of little warning bell going off in your head to the effect that maybe you shouldn’t be diving for the gutter in response to being called out?

Does it mean you’ll stop whining at me and posting these furious, embittered comments? Please?

Do you think you could lay off desperately attempting to saturate my every move with your own characterisations?

That’s called straw-manning, and it’s a symptom of a malaise, buddy.

" can’t explain your behaviour without considering you a fuckwit and/or an arsehole, well, yeah - welcome to my shit list."

Pool closed.

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