Site generates privacy-preserving YouTube embeds

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I suspect it will surely break soon enough whenever the APIs go through another change.

I’ve been hearing great things about this Youtube Control Center addon, which apparently includes the ability to fully buffer a video in the background, just like the good old days. Or at least, it includes that for now.

I’m wondering how this is different from the “Embed Video” function that currently exists on YouTube, other than having to do some of this manually: I uncheck the first option (“Show suggested videos when the video finishes”) and check the last (“Enable privacy-enhanced mode”). I’ve noticed that the latter also speeds up page loading, at least from where I work. The resulting code looks like this:

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

(And here’s the video in question, since it’s the guy’s birthday today)

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The YouTube Embedded Players and Player Parameters page has a useful list of parameters and has a revision history documenting changes over time. But it’s not complete, it doesn’t mention the encrypted-media parameter or the existence of the nocookie domain name.

Amazing timing, I just published a blog post and noticed that the snippet I used was an with embeded flash ^^;;

What’s though? Am I just removing an iframe to Google for an iframe to this site AND Google?

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