Originally published at: Smutty novels placed in English village's telephone box library | Boing Boing
They’d have to be horrible, horrible books to be worse than most of the erotic stories easily found on the internet…
“They know who it is in the village and they aren’t very well thought of,” he said.
Translated to:
We plan on blaming the person who is different than us without evidence.
Ah, yes, and so the ongoing stigmitization of sex continues. I assume they are tut tutting James Bond novels as well when they appear on the adult shelves? After all, those combine smut with violence. Or really any mystery, which almost always involves dead bodies? No?
Weird that…
The correct response to this imbroglio is to get another disused telephone box and install it at the other end of the village, painted black, bedecked with ermine, leather and dangling chains and a neon sign saying “NAUGHTY BOOKS”
“They know who it is in the village and they aren’t very well thought of,”
Oh, I remember those days, annoying the shit out’a the church goers. In my day it was just “pressed ham” on the car window as we drove by.
Unlike Welsh villages.
Except by all the grateful adolescent boys, that is.
“Unmutual” is the new “canceled”.
Was “woods porn” a thing in the UK like it apparently was in rural and exurban U.S.?
I can’t find the apposite Frankie Boyle quote, but he seemed to say so.
Hedge porn was our thing.
About a decade ago I was in my neighborhood grocery store and saw a table of used books for sale. The local high school was having a fund raiser. I had a box of books to donate to the local library anyway, so I decided to add mine to the school’s offering. As I was putting the books onto the table I noticed that one of the books I was giving away was Guide to Nudist Parks of North America - a joke given to me by an old friend. Now what do I do? Do I pocket that book, and risk appearing that I’d shoplifted the sole salacious book on the table? Or do I leave all my books, walk away, and hope for the best? I was a coward. When I came back to the store a few days later, all the books were gone and they never did anything like that again. Oops.