So I can find my missing AirPods Pro charging case, I ordered a replacement

Originally published at: So I can find my missing AirPods Pro charging case, I ordered a replacement | Boing Boing


Gotta love that manufacturer, MEUBRJ. They put all their resources into R&D, and didn’t spend a penny on branding or selecting a name. That’s getting your priorities straight.

Quick question: does anyone know the correct pronunciation? Is the “J” silent?

It’s a gobbledygook throwaway shell name made up by a Shenzen manufacturing company as a way to get distribution licensing in the EU and US (via Amazon). There are thousands of them that exist only on paper, and their purpose is to flood Amazon search results with ‘different’ vendors selling the exact same thing. This drowns out competing manufacturers and increases the chance that you buy something from one of the handful of facilities in the same region of China that churn out massive amounts of knockoff disposable crap.


I found someone’s Logitech Jaybird Vista 2 earbud case, but after a month on Craigslist’s found page, I feel I have no other option than to offer it up on eBay for a few dollars. Or give it to Freegeek, if they take it.

Works just fine.

I pretty much knew right away that would be one of the million different Chinese brands on Amazon that pulled their name from a random letter generator. I once ordered something from “Odeeoqcc”.

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