"So what?" Trump's chilling response to VP Pence's Jan 6 danger

Originally published at: "So what?" Trump's chilling response to VP Pence's Jan 6 danger - Boing Boing


While not surprising, the level of contempt that Biff and his coterie have for their opponents, for democracy, for ostensible allies, and for their own Know-Nothing supporters is something to behold. Unfortunately, the response of the latter will be “thank you, sir, may I have another?”


Yeah, he said these things I’m sure, whatever, people say he says shit all the time. What I’m interested in is proving it with the “iPhone forensic evidence” mentioned in the filing.

The things he get recoded saying don’t seem to get him in trouble, and generally haven’t been criminally damning but some light treason in writing on his phone might do the trick.


The sequence that I’ve found most damning is, Trump tells Pence to be ready to do the steal, Pence says no I won’t be doing that, Trump says “hundreds of thousands of people are going to hate your guts”, and Trump then tweets “make sure to be there on Jan 6!”
5:30 here




Looks like the mainstream media’s response is in the same vein. I find it interesting that we usually have to dig for reports about Biden or Harris on news websites, because 45’s mug and name are everywhere. Since this story broke, major outlets are suddenly very interested in the current administration members touring disaster-stricken areas or discussing foreign policy moves. No joke, the top two references to Tromp on The Guardian today were about Melania’s book.



I expected more of the usual, e.g.: “The Biden Administration Has Failed to Convict Trump of Treason: Why This ‘Soft on Crime’ Approach Will Hurt Kamala at the Polls.”


I should be angry but I’m so tired of this shit stain I just want it to be gone.

Go vote people. Your and people you love’s future depend on it. At this point, I would only care either about his conviction/imprisonment or his eulegy, whichever comes first.


That’s more annoying than their obsession about Oasis recently…


When he said “So what?” I wonder what he was wearing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’d slipped into something more comfortable like Melania’s “I don’t care, do u?” jacket.

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they better hurry up with that October surprise. My ballot arrives Oct 7 (hopefully, thanks DeJoy) and will be filling it out and taking it to a drop box soon thereafter.