Originally published at: Someone broke into a New Jersey couple's home, but nothing was stolen. Instead, their house was cleaned | Boing Boing
"Remember, we’re the clean bandits! The clean bandits!
Seriously, though, I’m just glad this story ended with everybody having a good laugh and nobody getting jailed or shot.
Hey! It’s a Terry Pratchett Anticrime! “Breaking and Redecorating”
This is the kind of crime i can get behind
I knew a person, a long time back, in the small town I grew up in, who used to break into people’s homes while they were away just to rearrange the furniture. That later became part of somebody’s comedy routine but I’ll always remember this person who did it first - and for real - and with style.
Well, OK then.
My thoughts immediately turned to Ray Bradbury and his anxiety-inducing story, The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl…
Now I want to be this guy’s friend! Except, New Jersey.
Honestly, it feels creepier when the motive is something much more cryptic than basic economic opportunism.
It shows how much the world has warped my trust that I think this was all a stunt to the get the guy publicity and more business.
Well, they need it, don’t they?
Anyhow, give that man a raise!
Seriously though. Good cleaning service is hard enough to come by, never mind free pet-sitting thrown in.
I’d 100% hire this guy.
I wonder if he could clean the Trumps out of New Jersey? That would be a neat feat!
I dunno, if some stranger came into my house and cleaned the place, I’d be feeling conflicted - something between the discomfort of having my personal space violated, and feeling really bad for the cleaner for having to deal with my current mess.
Maybe, just maybe, you shouldn’t leave a key under the mat that is literally in front of the door it unlocks?
These people probably use “Password” as their computer passwords.
The vast majority of homes aren’t that difficult to break into. Society tends to hold together not because most people are well protected but because most people aren’t constantly trying to rip off their neighbors.