Soup is Monstrous Food

Gosh Obama ruins everything. WHY WONT HE THINK OF THE CHILDREN? *

*and soup

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Do you get these out of the same catalog where you can buy a tree that produces 6 FRUITS and a dahlia as big as a DINNER PLATE?

Grafting is awesome! We live where we can easily grow apples & cherries & have long considered a mixed variety apple + cherry tree to compliment our current apple trees. Other stuff grows here too but we think the blossoms would compliment each other best.


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Thanks, that was a great link. I have been making simple cold cream of vegetable soups to drink after I work out (at lunch time) and the acid at the end trick was key. I stole some lemons from the cafeteria at work and mixed them with the soup right before I drank it. It cuts that stuck on the tongue feel.

I liked the overall directions, tooā€¦gives a lot of specific direction but also endless variables to play with.

You can make cold cream out of vegetable soup? Does Pondā€™sĀ® know?


Iā€™m really more of a fan of this walktapus image:


Thatā€™s certainly definitive.

I gather these are still harvested the old-fashioned way, using Long Horses.


Then just tell her itā€™s coriander, and carry on :smiley:


Thereā€™s been a lot of talk about chili in this thread, and yet I havenā€™t seen a single recipeā€¦

Ask Cory Doctorow, maybe heā€™ll post a Chili recipe and the commenters will start a great chili war on what ingredients should or should not be in there :B

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Some recipes are best done by the seat of of ones pants, and not by mindlessly following an exact recipe.

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I propose a KitchenCam, a small camera with recording, similar to what Russians have in their cars, to record the preparation. (Also, make it a habit to narrate what you are doing; that would work for audio-only recording, too; with video it is not strictly necessary but removes ambiguity.) If the result is starry, you can transcribe the recording to a recipe. If not so, overwrite it with the next one.

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Great idea. Might get sauce on the lens, though.

Increase distance, use narrower-angle lens. :stuck_out_tongue:

Little screens on all the vegetables that testify as to what other ingredients they want to get crazy with? Maybe ones that go a little off and tell you what kind of ā€˜monstrousā€™ industrial process adjustment is going to get you through February with a different aphrodisiac soup every hour from one kettle. Stay tuned for ingredient trace and other 'launchpad to commercially licensed lunch and service ā€™ initiatives?

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