Southwest passengers alleviate boredom of long flight to Hawaii by getting into a fistfight (video)

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I just took a Southwest flight to and from Denver in the past week, and the whole time i was really hoping we didn’t get any idiots on either flight. Thankfully we had zero issues


The picture is all wrong. Only Aloha Air has sunroofs.


Any Boeing flight can add doors, windows, sunroofs at any time without prior notice…


Arguments over who gets to use armrests is a real thing.


It’s fight OR flight


Puppet as loud, Queens NY guy in Adidas jacket: “Ya Gotta Pay!” :rofl:


That’s Johnny T.


Oh. Bay Ridge? Not with that medallion. :wink:


Man I miss Glove and Boots.

That said, when I came home from Hawaii last year, I honestly wanted to hit the guy in front of me multiple times. He immediately put his seat back when he sat down, appeared to know the air host as when she came around to check she ruffled his hair and said “sit up, you little scamp” (he was ~50ish years old, and 6+ feet tall) and of course he didn’t. He also got up about every 15-20 minutes to stretch then sat down HARD, causing anything I had on the tray to fly off. Normally I would have gone to sleep, but I had been a nice person and switched my seat so a family could sit together…which ended me up next to a toddler who was not happy about the 8+ hour flight and continuously mentioned it, then rolled around in his chair, kicking me (not his parents) in the arm, chest, head, etc.

I remember getting off the plane and being completely furious but just had to let it go and get home so I could rest. Wish I’d known boxing the guy in front of me was an option!


Any story like this should be amended with, “alcohol may have been a factor.”

The absurd amount of drinking in airports and then in airplanes at all hours would be dangerous in any environment. At altitude, in tight confines, with strangers of all stripes… it just begs trouble.
(Why yes, I am being judgmental!)


Also, train style opposed seats?


“I heard yelling, screaming, and punches. I turned around and saw one man bleeding and then the other man being separated

Horizontally or Vertically? Ghost Ship or XIII Ghosts style?

ghost ship


Southwest flights to any vacation destination, particularly Hawaii or Las Vegas, will typically have a bit of a drunken Spring Break vibe. That’s where you’re likely to encounter loud and ugly stuff. On the flip side, the return flights from Vegas are so quiet you can hear a mouse pissing on cotton. People on those flights are often flying hungover, tired and ashamed.


I RoFLed at the reverse seating.

Edit: The guy in the foreground on the right appears to be smoking only a pipe stem. His ashtray is full.

The guy on the left is further giggles.

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Once, we were flying back from the islands and were behind a young couple and their brand spanking new baby. Mama reclined her seat in front of me then got up to walk the baby around, leaving her seat reclined. After 20 min, I reached up and un-reclined her seat. She got back, saw it upright and got on my case for doing that. Hours later, the baby spit up something awful, enough to slime through the seat and onto my bag under that seat. We mentioned it but didn’t get any sympathy from the new mom (or dad). That’s one of my two worst flights. But yeah, you gotta let it go.


I was a bit surprised when they announced those routes. That’s a really long flight to not get a meal (even for extra money). I’d also suggest it seems like a really long flight in a plane of that size, but it’s not like the coach seats in a wide-body are appreciably bigger – although it does mean that (given the 737’s range) they have to fly to HI from the West Coast, which means an extra flight or two (or more) when starting from Back East.


I know, right? I would love a plane with opposite facing seats. Guess I’ll just have to fly Air Force One.


They were a feature on some early jetliners. The forward cabin of the Comet 1 had that style seating. Doesn’t it look cosy? Well up until the moment the fuselage disintegrated:

I didn’t realise until I read this story, just how terrifying the Aloha Air was and just how close they came to losing the whole plane. (Best not read if you are planning on getting on a plane soon):