Space Force's controversial new squadron logo features the Grim Reaper

I’d say it’s a valid warning to any aliens they might encounter, should they ever leave Earth.

“Oh, by the way, humans are bad news, if you didn’t already know.”

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Sadly it’s a pretty wasted opportunity even for warning the aliens. Tell me that this isn’t vastly more tasteful.

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Baddie GIF by Giphy QA


I went to the bed Stuy Brooklyn police precinct (identity theft - someone was using my address and name to order iPhones.) and saw that this was their logo - like they actually had magnets and stuff:



Ah man you beat me to it. Ha.

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It’s a Farraday’s cage. To keep the space aliens from reading their thoughts.

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Jesus did Trump design the hat too when he declared Space Force to be a thing?

“We’ll have the BEST uniforms. I want the logo all over their hats!”

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Leave the death patch stuff for the units that drop actual bombs and kill actual people.
These ‘intelligents’ boys aren’t that.



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Well, this isn’t one, either.



A number of firefighters, at least the volunteer types I’m familiar with, take an adversarial viewpoint of fire, often boasting of “beating” or “killing” it, and taking great pride in their anti-fire actions such as running into burning buildings to rescue people, tearing apart cars on fire to get the people out to safety, and constantly training for scenarios which, if they actually occur, will almost certainly mean their inevitable death. For all the comic books and movie adaptions out there, I don’t think I’ve seen any hero more brave than a man who, after a full days’ work, goes and attends a seminar on what to do when that Rubbermaid factory two towns over catches fire again.

They are actual heroes, risking their lives for no pay except a prominent place in parades and the occasional insurance payout for injury or death, and if they want to cos-play as vigilantes, I think they’ve earned the right. Space force, not so much.

Now I’m imagining a Batman-themed firefighting suit, and it’s awesome.

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Well, see, Earth is in space so technically the whole planet (and all other planets) fall under their watch.

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Wrong death image for space.


I’ll take the Finnish Airforce Sq. 24 “Farting Moose” insignia, based on a Disney character, as well.

Farting Moose


Probably explained by the fact that the Trump administration established the Space Force as an independent service.

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I mean, I’ve seen FAR worse patches for military units. It’s almost always amateur hour, with members of the unit themselves coming up with those designs. Even when it’s not, there’s certain tropes they like to cling to.

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Sheldon the Shell is kind of taken. Can’t they just go through all the diagrams in behavioral circles until they have one that communicates 40,000 m/s ‘nudge’ unit? Maybe show adversarial units with ‘adjustments’ made? A manicured hand with glitter or mitts or a sort of doggie cone for the disused satellite?

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Yep. I have always thought there is a hint of deep perversity about the fixation with death and devil imagery within the armed forces. I appreciate a clever logo of any sort, even a crass or gory one if it is well designed, but other than the inclusion of the impossible triangle, I don’t like anything about this patch. It doesn’t convey any significant information to the viewer. Symbols yes, but somehow neither informative nor symbolic.