Originally published at: House Speaker Flies Christian Nationalist Flag, Stirs Debate
From the image above I would have guessed it was supposed to represent “God’s Cursor.”
Because of course he is.
What I have a hard time understanding is the Right’s love of flags. US, Gadsden, MAGA, Support the Blue, etc. Perhaps it’s some sort of talisman against “Evil™”
So if I send Johnson and company Pride flags, will they proudly fly those as well?
Appeal to heaven, because the moron flying this flag doesn’t understand shit.
He would probably wash his hands after opening the box, in case the flag turned him gay. /s
What a fucking coward. Doesn’t even have the courage of his convictions. He’s not even a good Christian, if he were he would proudly state what the flag really means.
See, they’re virtuous, and they need to show their virtue to other people. Like, I don’t know, a signal of some sort.
This is one of those symbols you take in context. With Mike Johnson it is clearly a trappings of Christian Nationalists.
The original flag had nothing to do with Christian Nationalism. In fact I am pretty sure most Christian Nationalists see the word “heaven” with out even understanding the context of the quote, as it was part of a work refuting the divine right of kings.
I think there’s a couple more you can add to the package:
All I see is a butt plug for these arseholes
… the whole concept of a “nation” is a bit problematic, being intrinsically mixed up with outmoded notions of “races” and ethnostates
The Constitution itself does not contain the word “nation” except in the contexts of “foreign nations” and international law
You’re now at the level of defending the swatstika’s “rich history.”
I mean, I guess those things are outmoded and not mentioned in the constitution, but they also seem alive and well to many? Such as Mike Johnson?
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