Originally published at: Spiders building webs on deer antlers - Boing Boing
Made me think of Jagermeister.
Natural example of work smarter, not harder.
I approve, if only because this positioning of the web drastically cuts down on the odds of me stumbling into the web face first and looking like a lunatic as I swat at the air in alarm.
going by the accompanying front-page image, TIL generative AI is also crap at drawing spiderwebs!
First thing that came to mind for me was the title character in the Dr. Seuss story Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose, whose antlers become increasingly crowded with smaller animals taking advantage of his hospitality.
Came here to post Thidwick.
Unless it’s deer mating season. Then competing male antlers will be ripping up your work every half hour.
Except that deer have already affected the environments where spiders often build webs – by eating them.
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