Clearly the carnivorous tribbles keep kosher. They are unwilling to devour the giant ham.
Love it.
The upbeat jazz soundtrack is lovely. You don’t seem to hear much about that. Work of one Ray Ellis, apparently?
i love this so much. i want an entire series like this. Wil Wheaton’s on board.
Niven actually gave the modern Trek productions permission to use the Kzinti after a long period of the writers shying away from using them (the Tzenkethi, mentioned a few times on DS9 were apparently originally going to be the Kzinti) - Riker mentions them in Picard series 1, and there’s a TAS-style Kzinti on the USS Cerritos in Lower Decks, he’s got a speaking role as one of the command staff that Boimler pals around with to try and land a promotion in series 2
He basically adapted the short story The Soft Weapon and did not even bother to file off the serial numbers.
The Kzinti also featured as one of the major factions in the Star Fleet Battles licensed board game
The shot where Picard just stands there flicking his skin-colored eyes back and forth really sold it for me.
Amazing, thanks!
This could also make for some great new Starcher Trek episodes.
Land of the lost had significantly better writing than most Saturday morning fare. Compare it of Far Out Space Nuts for example. TAS wasn’t badly written probably pretty competitive with the third season to TOS.
edited to add:I was a big fan of filmation’s Fantastic Voyage, although if i re-watched it I suspect I would not be impressed.
I liked both. TAS had some good ideas and in some ways used animation to its advantage.
I remember Fantastic Voyage as well. It was paired with Journey to the Center of the Earth.
I recently rewatched Filmation’s Flash Gordon. The first season holds up pretty well. But it doesn’t make for good binging. But a little repetitive.
When I first watched ST:Discovery and saw Commander Saru, he reminded me of Lieutenant Arex. Maybe one day we’ll see that species in a live-action show.
It’s not live-action, but we did get one of Arex’ people in Lower Decks
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