Stephen King posts bone-chilling reminder of why Trump had to pick new VP running mate

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Good luck with that sucking up to Tromp, Vance!

It seems that just as leopards can’t change their spots, a lot of people can’t see how much they like to eat human faces.


He has to suck up to Trump at least through Inauguration Day. At that point, if Trump balks at what the leaders of Project 2025 tell him to do, Vance and the (Project 2025 vetted) Cabinet can invoke the 25th Amendment and make Vance the Acting President. Sure, they’d probably phrase it in such a way as to avoid enraging Trump’s cultists (“giving him some time off temporarily because the work of undoing Joe Biden’s policies is more taxing to President Trump than expected” or the like) but it would still put Vance in the Oval Office.

They might time it carefully so Vance only serves as Acting President for one day less than two years so he’s eligible for two full terms as President of his own.


Won’t happen. They’ve created a monster cult leader. Trump would have to be dead before Vance could take over.

That’s what I’m hoping for Harris if (WHEN) Biden wins (PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE)


I don’t think you’re wrong. They probably pull another “assassination,” using the media to blame the Democrats so ******'s rabid supporters will direct the anger away from them and using death of dear leader as call for unity under Vance, their guy, to usher support for the clown. At that point, all bets are off. We officially become Russia’s counterpart in North America.


What’s the protocol if the Vice President accidentally kills the President?


Is it an official act?


I think that’s unpresidented.


They become president, pardon themselves, and enjoy immunity.


Just in line with the post and what others here are saying, I want to remind everyone that Pence was afraid to get into the car that the Secret Service was trying to get him into on January 6. Let me repeat more bluntly: Pence was afraid of the Secret Service. And just this past weekend, the Secret Service let Trump get on stage and start his speech after they had already identified Crooks as a person of interest and after they had spotted him on the roof of that building. I’m not a conspiracy theory person, but why the fuck would they let Trump take the stage when they had identified a suspicious person on the roof of a nearby building? The Secret Service is either up to something, or they have a real incompetence problem. I’m inclined to believe the latter, but it should still be raising a huge red flag for anyone wanting to be President or Vice President.


I was paying attention to the fact that so many in the Secret Service have been shown to be extreme right wing in their politics – based on membership in hate groups, etc. – but you’re right, this is an even bigger problem if they aren’t even protecting their own anymore.


They’ll protect Vance.


First, accidentally incapacitate the president, become temporary president, then with full immunity assassinate the incapacitated president, become emperor.


I find the idea of Trump balking at implementing the dictates of Project 2025 to be the least plausible part of this scenario. The only way I could see that happening is if he resented them “telling” him what to do, but I don’t think it would take much to convince him it was all his idea anyway.


“Mr President, didn’t you suggest in one of your fabulous hugely popular, large attendance rallies that you would do XYZ?”

(where XYZ was really something Stephen Miller or Bannon came up with and had put into Project 2025).

“We think it’s a really good time, perfect really, for you to resurrect that beautiful plan.”

“What to you think JD?”

Perfect, sir. Perfect


I just wish he tweeted it at Vance.


Hillbilly Eulogy has something for it.

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Thanks, Mr. King, but i hadn’t forgotten that in the first place.

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And yet you endorsed him for his entire tenure?

bryan cranston coward GIF


So there’s my wife and I sitting on a nice, we assume bugged, bench one November day in D.C.'s Lafayette Square, watching a small crowd of protestors. We gleaned from the signs that they objected to the King of Morocco visiting the White House. I had suggested we stay to see what we could of the ceremonial military drill (the :us: military puts on a good show). Secret Service was driving around, yelling at people a bit down on Pennsylvania Ave., but we were way back from that, where a few uniformed and non-uniformed individuals were lurking, some hiding behind trees. :man_facepalming:

“Oh my god, pizza boxes,” I noted wryly, as a man of plausibly Moroccan heritage walked past us to the protest with an order of at least eight large pizzas, “what’s the chance, you think, that the Secret Service has agents in all of the Washington pizza joints?”

The gentleman was, fortunately, indeed bringing pizza.

We left a little while later, and one of the behind-the-trees lurkers could barely keep a straight face as we walked by.

I don’t really envy the Secret Service’s job.