Steve Bannon spells it out: Get ready for "the authority of Donald J. Trump" (video)

FWIW, I’m trans, I subscribe to and support Erin in the Morning, and I know what Project 2025 is. And I’m not giving the Right the satisfaction of my panic. Nope. I am not complacent. I am doing work. Donating time and money, writing postcards, volunteering for campaign work. I think that’s the most effective use of my time.

Online is just so much noise anymore. It feels like you are making progress, but … it’s just more screaming into the hellmaw. Please. If you are scared, if you are anxious, don’t waste your time making efforts online. Make them offline. Call, write, show up. Whatever is said or screamed about on any blog, I just don’t believe it’s that helpful any more. People are overwhelmed. Agreeing in the moment is easy. Arguing is seductive. It feels useful, but I honestly believe that offline effort is way more productive.


Voting in 2024 is the worst deception game ever. I don’t read anything about polls. I don’t trust any information I see online or anything anyone else has seen online or on the news and don’t pay it any mind. As far as I know every human on earth will vote for Trump, be counted, and then descend zombie style upon the nearest human flesh the next day. Don’t care, I’m not voting for Trump. Nothing else is relevant.


Los Angeles Anniversary GIF by The Paley Center for Media

Doesn’t mean that there isn’t some facts or truth to be had there, though. Including that the GOP is a full on fascist party who must be opposed at every opportunity. This is not normal and we need to stop normalizing it.



That really wasn’t the vibe I’ve been getting from the Democratic Party.
Unless I’m reading Heather Cox Richardson all wrong, I was under the impression that Biden was supporting workers and the middle-class, standing on picket lines, holding big-business to tax-accountability and reining in Big Pharma’s ludicrous prices.

But then, this forum and HCR is where I get all my better info.
Happy to be proved wrong.


Maybe, but you won’t be around to see it. Dude’s going to be found with 200 shiv holes in the shower in Day 2.


In principle the more people are voting for Trump the more important it is to vote for Biden anyway. It’s if almost nobody was going to vote for him that it would be ok to potentially stay home or vote third party (since in that case it would actually be the second party).


Yes, he has been doing all of this. Nothing positive he does is getting much press coverage because the corporate overlords controlling mass media want a “horse race” and fundamentally hate average people having agency over their own lives (ie - they are pro-fascist).


I think the Democratic Party gives off mixed messages because a lot of the centrists are really The Buffer Zone, the ones big money interests support when they can’t get a Republican. They might not be for welfare for the rich, anti-labor, relaxed regulations, etc, but they can be counted on to resist or delay attempts to roll back stuff the Republicans gave them.



Well, if the Diaper Don loses, it’s “Get ready, Donald J. Trump, for the authorities.”


Steve Bannon could be sentenced to prison himself, shortly, (for contempt of congress in 2022) but eyes on the prize. :smiley:


What, he’s still not the most powerful man in the universe?!

Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.


Here’s hoping that Bannon’s assertion proves to be no more correct than Omarosa’s assertion and, furthermore, that he ultimately becomes less relevant than she is.


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