Steve Bannon spells it out: Get ready for "the authority of Donald J. Trump" (video)

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Steve Bannon

He isn’t dead yet, either?



Or serving his time?!?


Hey Bannon…



Yeah, well, that wisdom works both ways you FPOS.


Two things which neither of them understand or have actually practiced.


So a double-whammy of disinformation: Forbes citing It’s disinfo all the way down.


You know, I don’t think anyone could say we weren’t warned. We’ve been warned every half hour on the hour that doom is right around the corner. It’s the primary political practice of so many people. Warning us. Warning us that if we don’t do something, we are doomed. DOOMED! We were warned that we needed to move left. We were warned that we needed to move right. We have been warned to stand up. We are warned to sit down. Most of all, if we don’t all join in supporting the author’s preferred policies, we are warned that we could lose EVERYTHING!!111!

If we note that we are being warned constantly, very concerned posters come out of the woodwork to mock us for being overly callous and comfortable. If we mention that confidence is actually more attractive to undecided voters, we are called out of touch.

I’m beginning to believe that frantic anxiety is the only position that’s allowed for Democrats. That if we aren’t scared out of our minds, then, well, how about this awful story! Anxious yet?!? If you’re not anxious, you don’t care enough, and you are a bad person.

Of course, the [expletives deleted] on the right are confident. Of course they are chortling that we are doomed. They know if we buy in and panic and DO SOMETHING! that they don’t have to do any more work. Panicked enemies aren’t effective enemies. The MAGAs can just point at our anxious flailing, and say “See? Why would you join those panicking losers?”

Biden may win, he may lose. Panic and despair aren’t going to help him win. He’s doing something already, and he’s staying positive. Traditionally, Americans start paying attention to politics after Labor Day. We are, what, 3 months out from that? Biden is spending a ton establishing campaign infrastructure in the half a dozen states that will decide the election. He’s got a working theory of how to win. Obsessing over every single poll, over ever single insult from a MAGA isn’t helpful. Hold the course, keep doing the work, keep your head up. This is a marathon. Paying attention to Steve Bannon is counterproductive. He’s predicted 350 of the last 3 victories. Don’t give him the satisfaction of your attention.


So Biden isn’t losing support? I would dearly love that to be true. Can you provide more information?

He certainly looks dead to me.


I don’t think anyone can provide evidence either way, generally speaking, because most of the evidence is bullshit polls.

Now, we DO know that in some places during the primaries, people have sought to deliver a message to Biden via their vote. But that doesn’t tell us about how they’ll vote in the general. I suspect that the people most likely to have participated in the primary protest were people who had already voted for Biden in 2020 (if they were eligible at the time), but did so, not because they fully supported the Democratic party or agreed with Biden on his policy positions, etc, but because that’s the choice that wasn’t the openly fascist one. :woman_shrugging: Some have probably been happy with him, others not. So, it’s likely that the people most vocal about being upset with Biden’s policies with regards to Israel, were probably the people who held their noses and voted for him in the first place… These were always going to be skeptical supporters and for them, the ongoing genocide and the decision not to actively try and get Israel to stop it, is the final straw for them. I’m gonna guess that some will still vote for him in November, because they also know that Trump will be FAR WORSE in that regard.




First, stop giving polls any credence unless you are looking to add members to a cult. Contemporary polling is broken until pollsters figure out how to reach a representative sample of the population instead of just people willing to answer a call from an unknown number and have the time to answer questions.

Second, look into what the Uncommitted Movement stands for. On the surface it looks like people who aren’t going to vote for Biden in November. While some might feel so betrayed that they won’t, leaders in that movement have focused on how it has already changed the administration’s policy on Gaza and reiterate that only fools would think T**** wouldn’t be orders of magnitude worse.

I voted “Uncommitted” in my primary this week and will vote for Biden in November because I don’t live in a cave and have loved ones who will face immediate harm if T**** wins. I think the large number of uncommitted votes in primaries is encouraging for Biden as these are some of the most engaged voters and are likely to show up for the general election.


Some of us are getting frantic about it because we’re tired of people telling us we’re overreacting, when it’s clear that we are not. In 2016, many of us warned that electing Trump would put Roe v Wade in danger of being repealed. We were told that was nonsense. Roe was safe. Well…it wasn’t, and we weren’t overreacting. Right now, trans rights all across this country are in danger. We are warning people about that, and about gay rights, and about contraceptive rights, and all other rights because they are all on the chopping block if Trump is elected again. We are not overreacting. We are not warning about things unlikely to come about. We are warning about the things that Trump and Project 2025 are promising that they will do. You’re damn right I’m in a panic about the prospect of Trump winning again. Because, as a trans person, my life literally may be in peril if Trump wins. It is appropriate to scream and throw up all the warning flags right now because this is real, and if you can’t see that, if you think the threat is overblown, then I don’t know what to tell you. Go to Project 2025’s website and read their plan. It’s publicly available for download, and it’s scary as shit.


“We mock your fear, we want your fear,” the former Trump campaign manager said

I think he’ll find that, if Trump wins, our fear, however justified, will be far outpaced by our anger and defiance. There are more of us, we’re smarter, have more to lose, and the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Be careful what you wish for, Bannon.


Joking aside; many of us will go down swinging, if that’s what it comes to.



I for one, as a pacifist, feel morally obligated to kill Nazis.


I… don’t really like either party overmuch; The republicans have decided to HODL to actual Nazis and their criminal, flatulent, and demented figurehead, even if they go over a cliff into a lake of lava. The democrats are at their core, moderately corrupt and easily swayed by large corporation with wheelbarrows of money.

BUT. I’m still going to hold my nose and vote democrat and whoever they are propping up, because they are the lesser of the two evils, and until they can manage to drag the Overton window back to the far left, they are currently near the center of the spectrum.

Because if Trump wins, I will be in immediate harm, along with everyone I know and love.

Fair warning, If I go down, I’m going to attempt to take as many of them with as possible. I want my last stand to require an environmental impact statement to be filed, and a minimum safe distance. :rage:



Why, yes; that’s is what “going down swinging” means in my book.

I’m not saying I will definitely prevail; just that if shit hits the fan, it won’t be an ‘easy win’ for the fasscholes - they’re gonna take some damage for their efforts.