Steve Harvey doesn't want to host Family Feud any more

west of the Gold Coast is a lake.

ah wait.

you’re not talking about the rich&famous quarter of Zurich?

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Quite possibly but at least the guy can lend a hand.

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Yo, I’m happy for you, and Immaletyoufinish, but Kanye West is the best ego-stroker of all time!


hums “For only metal, what a bore”

Sorry, what… Steve Harvey? Whoops, carry on, my bad.

I don’t know Harvey, but I think that Family Feud, not unlike other “game shows” such as Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune tend to be lame populist groupthink exercises rather than real tests of skill. Crowds of people clapping about what pop culture trivia they know is a terrible excuse for a game.

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