Originally published at: Sticking a cardboard sign into the path of Tour de France riders: what could go wrong? | Boing Boing
Nothing short of a flogging should be the punishment. I’m available for such a task…
Are you guys ALL going to post about this?
I’m sure they’ll catch this grinning moron very quickly. Since she fled, I’m also sure that when she’s caught she’ll get the full sentence. “Allez, Opi-Omi … rendre visite à votre petite-fille en prison!”
So it would seem.
BTW, are you associated with @GilbertWham ?
Needs more @frauenfelder. And @beschizza is the duplicates page still going? Could not find it last time I looked.
Oh, my bad. I left all three copies of that page at my desk over the weekend.
I guess events are going to have to start putting up large, obvious cameras away from the action, so that glory-hounds who want to get on TV but aren’t going to pay attention to what’s happening are segregated for safety.
More crashes today. None of them fan-related, or as big as that one on Saturday, but all very serious
Poor Caleb Ewan hit the ground hard in the sprint for the line. I’m surprised he only broke a collarbone
We’re still tagging them “b-sides” but something is awry with the tag pages. We’re having some tech trouble; it should be back soon.
You know? It wasn’t cool, but the absolute carnage on the roads should have moved us past this. They are absolutely leaving skin all over the roads in Brittany.
ETA clarity. Lots of crashes since then. Lots. Lots of blood and broken bones. And no signs required.
Is this some kind of new Karen cousin thing?
Has anyone checked if there were any grandmothers or grandfathers among the (official) entrants? Non, je parierais que non… (“Shut up Eccles!”)
Shut up Eccles!
There are two things I am loathe to ride in the immediate vicinity of. One is cars, the other is roadies. As to how I tend to rank that list, that’s very situationally dependent.
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