Stop taking your phone into the bathroom

It was the first link but how about webmd?


Anything rated IP65 or better should be all right.


None of those things are from sitting on the toilet (except possibly infections, from dirty toilets). Most of them are from straining too hard for prolonged periods. Did you not read the article?

Not sure why I’m care but from the article.


Nearly 3 out of 4 people get these swollen veins around their anus. They can happen if you sit too long on the toilet or strain too much during a bowel movement.




I thought this was going to be another article about the concentration of poop particles on phone screens…


Which reminds me:

A friend’s son went to the bathroom with his phone. Later that night, a minute after midnight, he got a text asking how old he was. He was one minute into his 18th birthday, so he proudly answered “18”. They then sent him images of his ‘manhood’ from that toilet trip and blackmailed him, saying they’d send the photos to everyone in his contacts (including grandparents, teachers, coaches, etc.) if he didn’t pay them a specific (and large) amount of ransom. Fortunately they’re not wealthy and he has a good head on his shoulders so he went right to his parents who helped him work through the issue immediately without paying that ransom. They then spent several days changing passwords, getting a new phone and number, and checking with a few key people to see if the photos were in fact sent out (no). His two biggest fears were having people he respected seeing him ‘in the flesh’ like that, and of course the possibility of being labeled a sex offender.

Moral of the story: do not make all your social media public, or if you do then use false personal information, and don’t take your phone into the toilet with you unless you have camera covers installed.



(Also, I just don’t spend an hour pooping while looking at the phone but screw not having it in there)


I noticed a double whammy when a previous workspace of mine converted from offices to open space. First, this resulted in an increase in employee density and thus more people per toilet. Second, the decrease in privacy encouraged people to take their time on the toilet due to a lack of other options to discreetly take a (media platform/website of personal preference) break. These two factors combined meant that you might have a bad time if you urgently needed a bio break.

TLDR: shitty office design makes shitting shittier


Can I still bring in my craptop?

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When I ‘drop the kids off at the pool’ there’s often one that doesn’t want to get out of the car…

I wouldn’t drive the whole car in though!

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Frankly, I suspect this is more Chinese anti-games propaganda.


If you think you shouldn’t take your phone into the loo because you’re worried you’ll sit there doom-scrolling, maybe the problem is you doom-scrolling, not just that you do it while defecating?

I don’t have a problem with that, I usually just play a simple little game, so fuck you headline, I will not be stopping taking my phone in the bathroom.

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How about not using it in the bathroom for, like, sanitary reasons?

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