Strategic butt-coverings in video-games

and now the system is trolling you : )


Sure is! Frankly, I suspect it might be right.




If All Lifts Mattered, we wouldn’t be having this conversation now would we? Check your pixels.

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The difference is that we have a sex-drive. We have had since the start of our evolution. It’s an inbuilt instinct. We don’t comparatively have a brush-your-teeth drive, that’s a social adaptation.
Sex will always be used to market product, because it’s effective. It targets that instinct. Games developers either seem slow on the uptake to market to women using sexuality, they don’t believe it will be effective, or they’re afraid to upset the current market they’ve helped create.


Always a good day when I get to use this comic! cc: @bobtato


Wow I wake up to the thread getting locked and see the possible troll was showing it’s colors… I miss all the fun.
eta and still gotta wait for likes. :frowning:


This just in: media affects its consumers.


People defend this to the death, btw.


But it’s the story line! You can’t argue with that! It’s not like it’s gratuitous! What, feminazis hate plots now?




I’m guessing this video has been in production for a while, and she might not have had a chance to entirely play/capture video from a huge game like Rise of the Tomb Raider, which is only a couple months old.

Making videogames is incredibly difficult and expensive. It requires coding skills, it requires art skills, writing skills, sound engineering. It requires someone who can handle the PR side and someone who can handle the legal side. In 2016 one does not “just make a videogame”. Not everyone can do this. Yet anyone can voice their opinions and in many parts of the world are allowed to do so.


why doesn’t she “just make a game herself”? Probably because she can’t and can’t afford to hire those who can.

And why does she “piss and moan”? Because she is perfectly allowed to do so. (and she makes a few good points while doing so)

You have a choice on how to reply as well. You can piss and moan yourself. If you check a lot of replies to posts about her work you will find a lot of people doing this. Or you can provide counter arguments to her points.


Perhaps, but the reboot of Tomb Raider is quite a bit older and already showed the strong tonal shift in the characters and while some might point at one or two odd situations I think it’s still a strong example for a well written, non-sexualized female character.

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This has nothing to do with butts.

Though to bring it around, the REASON Barbie’s body shape is a huge problem while He-Man’s isn’t as big of one is because of the things that Anita talks about in this video - the constant objectification of women.


Plus the cognitive dissonance - it was only in the secular Afghan state that the USSR was trying to protect that women could actually go around like that. Soviet-era pictures of Afghanistan show women in modern dress in Western-style settings. But we had to win the Cold War, so let’s back the Salafist crazies. Until they come back to bite us, and even then we pretend that the Twin Towers had nothing to do with the ruling Saudi ideology.

Usually the victors get to write history. But in Afghanistan there are no victors, just destruction facilitated by Western dreams.


The only strategic butt-coverings going on here is from femfreq.

For men, maybe it’s a power fantasy.

I am sure there are many gay men and straight women who find ripped male characters sexy.

Though I do acknowledge the point that there are many cases in popular culture where women’s costumes are less practical and more for show. It is why Capt. Phasma’s gender neutral armor was welcome relief (as well as her character in GoT’s armor)

I also think there is an issue with many “real world” women’s garments are less practical and more for show as well (too tight clothes, not warm enough, high heels, etc) - and unfortunately women are scrambling to squeeze and balance into them in order to be more attractive.