Study finds that people vote for strongman "dominance" leaders when they they feel out of control of their lives

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Study finds that people vote for strongman “dominance” leaders when they they feel out of control of their lives

you don't say

Throw in Russian psy-ops whose purpose is to sow discord and introduce doubt, uncertainty, cognitive dissonance, and negativity into people’s lives, et voila Trump.

We really need to think hard on the topic of social media – in my opinion it is trending towards the bleaker end of the Blessing-Curse continuum.


I’ve also read in the past that some of this phenomenon is related to how they were parented as children. If they got used to depending on and not standing up to a dominating father – even an abusive one or one who created an atmosphere of chaos in the household – they’re more likely to vote for strongman figures when they grow up.


But does the study explain whey they vote for really stupid and incompetent “dominance” leaders?


I wonder if we could combine this knowledge with the insight gained from this study mentioned recently on BB, which includes how there is a breaking point for when insecure and incompetent men begin to flock toward the dominant female. I suppose the key is being dominant enough to the point of dominance without question (a tricky, but not impossible, thing for females in the public eye to accomplish).

I think you are describing the 2016 election.

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I wish I was, or, rather, I wish that it worked. I don’t think Hillary successfully pulled off the dominant female archetype, though. She languished in the territory of insecure males overly mocking her.


So what America needs right now are some really menacing liberals. Like um… umm… Christopher Walken?


Shocked. I’m shocked, I tell you.

Not that shocked.

Problem with the headline.

Study finds that mindless piss-ants vote for strongman “dominance” leaders when they they feel out of control of their lives



Humans are weak and stupid creatures who have never succeeded in anything except finding ways to prolong and deepen their own misery. Only a rare few of us have both the insight into the nature of the problem and the steely will to see the solution through.

Now like this comment, sheep! LIKE IT NOW AND FIND SALVATION!

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More like “dumbinance” leaders.

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