Study shows the pandemic killed more vaccine-denying Republicans than Democrats

Oh, it’s so nice to be accused of gaslighting after providing links with audio or video proof from major non-partisan media outlets of every single assertion made in my post.

I never voted for Trump, and never will. I’ve had 4 mRNA jabs, and I’ll probably have another by the time the year is out. I still carry a mask to wear indoors. I’m a big old lefty and won’t vote for the GOP. I think we’re on the same side, Mindysan33!

But, as per the first lines of my post, I was responding to Brainspore’s assertion that [Trump] “could have claimed responsibilities for the policies that led to the development of effective vaccines”, which Trump actually did!

I’m pro-vax… and Trump was, too! Even if his constituency wasn’t. It’s a tough one. That’s my point.

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That was much later, though. He wasn’t pro vax, mask, distancing, anything throughout the early (and most frightening) time of the pandemic, when having a strong, courageous national leader would have really helped.



Agreed. One would assume the “vaccine denying” adjective applied to both nouns that follow, but it really doesn’t. Def not my favorite headline.

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He’s not, though, in any stalwart sense of the term.

He just floats ideas up like weather balloons and immediately retreats if there’s any pushback. If he truly believed in them, he would work to convince his followers, but he doesn’t. Maybe he does believe in the vaccine as far as he’s willing to get it, but in terms of leadership, he really falls short.

Halla-fuckin-lujah. I can’t believe how many people have conveniently forgotten this, or how many lives it could’ve saved if kept in place. When people claim he didn’t do much harm because he was so disorganized, I think of this, the reneging on the Paris Climate Accord, and all the judges, and cry/laugh at how they can think that. To name but 3 of his travesties.


Trump is painful because he likes to take both sides of an argument and let his supporter decided when he’s speaking truthfully (when they agree with him) and when he’s not (when they don’t).

He is on record going back years promoting the idea that vaccines cause autism. He even said that he doesn’t get the flu vaccine which contains “bad stuff” and that’s why he’s never had the flu.

He stopped with his anti-vax stance after the measles outbreaks in 2019, reversed course and promoted the flu vaccine and even the covid vaccine… but then he started getting booed for his vaccine stance and he started flirting with anti-vax stances again like when he called for people to rise up in response to mandatory school vaccinations.

Still he did support the vaccine and does take credit for it to this day. Where he f’cked up is minimizing the danger of covid giving his supporters a solid reason not take the vaccine. After all, it was like the flu and going to disappear one day, like a miracle. He later did say it was serious, but the damage was done.

His anti-vax supporters have come up with incredibly elaborate theories as to why he’s promoting vaccines that seem to include everything but actually supporting vaccines.


And quoting that guy is kind of like quoting the Bible…you can almost always find something he said at some point that supports whatever claim one wants to make about, well, a lot of things. Because, as you said, he’ll just say anything and assume his supporters will figure out which one he really means.
But as a national leader, it’s not just about what he says or said, but what he did and the culture he engendered. He did so much harm by downplaying COVID from the beginning, I can’t believe that some people forget that so easily.


I think that’s where most of his pro-vax statements come from – it’s something he can take credit for. Give him a chance to brag, and he will brag, even if it contradicts everything else he says. Which in this case it mostly does. Ask him about chloroquine or bleach and he’ll tell you he was right about those too.


No. The Darwin Awards are explicitly for those who manage to kill themselves BEFORE passing on their genes. COVID deaths skew to high ages, people who have had plenty of time to pass on their genes. The uni/college student covidiots were instrumental in spreading COVID but seldom died from it.

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A lot of Trump’s presidency was about dismantling Obama’s legacy. He hated the guy.


There ya go!


Well, but it was also personal. Maybe because he mocked him in public at that press dinner?


Oh, right, yeah! Payback for being mocked in public. What a loser.


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