Originally published at: Sunken Roman city ruins finally get an internet connection | Boing Boing
That might explain the fish porn access from the site.
Already drawing up a plan for an artisanal garum e-commerce business.
Meanwhile, throughout much of rural America (the ‘greatest nation on Earth’)…
@thomdunn, you’ve got a typo:
Should be ‘on par’.
It eventually stopped being a hedonistic vacation town for various Caesars and Julii, and endured a few centuries of gradual below before it finally sunk below sea level,
I don’t think yo meant gradual BELOW, maybe gradual decline?
I’d go one step more and say it should be “sank” instead of “sunk”.
Blogging was so much easier before my toddler became a perpetual motion machine, leaving me to write in 20 second spurts.
Tell me about it. I take care of my 4 year old granddaughter and my 4 month old grandson 4 days a week.The only time I get to use my brain is weekends.
I don’t thinking hanging out with kids means you got to turn your brain off…
My brain used to be utterly exhausted every day when my kids were little. So much neural activity needed to keep up with them, and help guide and teach them. So much easier to concentrate on only adult work, now that they’re grown.
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