Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant

This topic is a clearinghouse for debate on whether it is better to highlight or ignore bad behavior by people or organizations with a platform to spread hate or dangerous misinformation.

Also known as Niemöller‘s List.


Isn’t Joe Rogan of the same watching-a-train-wreck phenomenon that has some of you watching something like “reality TV” or some other tawdry offering like “Tiger King”? It’s clear to me that he’s a meathead once I read that he was a “color commentator” for what amounts to a for-real Fight Club. That was enough background for me to pre-judge his shtick and to factor in every other stupid/offensive but yet-to-be-unheard tidbit he offers up to that other infotainment valve: Boing Boing. I get that Boing Boing has its format, but what’s with amplifying every Majorie Taylor Greene/Trump/Joe Rogan bowel movement?

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Because they don’t just go away if you ignore them. They metastasise and spread, and if you don’t treat it, before long, it won’t be possible to just ignore them, because they and their clones will be everywhere and unavoidable.

There is another theory that states that this has already happened.


Schadenfreude is a hell of a drug.


And what about that reporting on COVID all the time? In my day we ignored illness because we knew that doing nothing would prevent pandemics from happening. Ignorance is bliss, my friends.

And don’t get me started on those reminders to change the batteries in your smoke alarms every damn year. It’s annoying and pointless. My grandfather lived without smoke alarms and he did all right. We didn’t report on discrimination every god damn day. And you know what? There were no reported hate crimes back then.

An once of ignore-ance is worth a pound of cure.

-Andy Rooney’s ghost


There are some things in life you can ignore and safely assume they’ll eventually leave you alone. Fascists and their enablers, like cancer, most assuredly are not amongst those things.


Once again, the only reason Marjorie Taylor Greene lost her congressional committee assignments in 2021 is because people called public attention to the hateful, ignorant garbage she was saying and doing.

If everyone had tried to ignore her she would now be in a position to cause even more harm than she already is.


Kill it with ‘fire’…


We started reporting and tracking child abuse cases and you’ll never guess what happened. Child abuse cases skyrocketed! Obviously, the only thing to do is stop the reporting that lead to this scourge.


My god if my ignorance of future harm was enough to stop the worst people in the world from advancing I’d gladly take one for the team, jump off a bridge, and save the world with my lack of comprehension.


Selfishly, I can benefit from my own incidental privileges and look after my mental health by ignoring reality… up to a point. I hardly see it as a moral virtue though. Rather just a recognition of my personal limitations and the exploitative and emotionally draining nature of the media.


And yet here we are, giving this raging dumpster fire more oxygen.


Your cliched response deserves another in return: “Sumlight is the best disinfectant.”


We keep highlighting what a garbage human he is until his show is gone. As long as he has a platform to spew hatred, he’s a problem that needs addressing.

I’ve said this a million times and it remains true - ignoring bigots, especially bigots with a platform, only allows it to grow and spread, because silence equates to acceptance. We stand up to this shit or we let it get EVER WORSE than it is now… this is how we got Trump, by pretending like it doesn’t exist, rather than actively pointing it out and explaining, in clear terms, that it is wrong.

rupauls drag race bingo GIF

We keep saying it until people get it…

And we need to make it not so much by pushing back against it every chance we get.


I’m sure if we just keep ignoring him harder, he will behave, Spotify will drop him, and he will join a monastery.

And monkeys will also fly out of my butt.

Ignore fascists at your (and your neighbors’) peril.


The value of Spotify dropped by about a quarter, likely due to this issue. Yes, Joe Rogan is more famous now, and some will like him more, but a misbehaving company losing 25% of it’s value is a good return on the investment of people discussing his dumpsterfirehood.


Yep and while more assholes might glom onto him, it’s going to be just that much harder for him to play his enlightened-bro centrism card.


So - I should ignore your advice?

Am I doing this correctly?


Not going to ignore any of them, but also not giving them free SEO. I’m glad for every headline working without mentioning their names over and over and over again.

Name them if necessary or helpful. But not for the clicks.

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Is it really a failure when news outlets and boingboing can’t wait to repost the videos and tell the story?

Good point. I promised myself that I would never click on a Trump related article again after the election. I’ve failed, but will now renew the effort.
Here is a link that I’m actually happy I clicked on today: How Wanting Less Leads to Satisfaction - The Atlantic