Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant



And if they stop getting the reactions they love, they won’t try harder? Or are we supposed to ignore it when they start torching synagogues too, as some other anti-Semites have done?

I don’t know why you’re so eager to give fascists a pass, but like others said it only ever enables them.


You know who else was just ignored for a long time?


The difference is, this guy didn’t have a strategy of gaining followers by driving trollies. He needed to be dealt with with brutal and rapid force. Unfortunately that didn’t happen, or it didn’t happen fast enough. I am glad that guy was convicted in federal court and will face a serious death penalty.

Maybe, maybe not.

Response needs to change rapidly as the nature of the threat changes.

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We need to live in a society where genocidal ideology is not acceptable. Ever. Far too often, right wing views are seen as “acceptable” discourse (white supremacy, that led to the tree of life shooting that @KathyPartdeux elude to), and the GOP has embraced those views as a result. But even moderately leftist views, such as equality of genders and races, are seen as “too problematic” views that need to be “balanced” by talk of a white ethno-state…


You can’t rapidly respond to a problem you’ve been ignoring, however nice letting this fester until someone is getting physically hurt might sound to you.


That was my grandparents’ strategy in the early 1930ies. Didn’t work.


This Up Here GIF by Chord Overstreet

Something about ignoring history, doomed and repeating it?




So your strategy is to not address the people causing stochastic terrorists - but to only respond after people have been murdered.


Agreed, weird stance.
“They are actively building a community of followers, nothing to see here. Let’s ignore them.”
Murder happens from inspired acolytes.
“Lone wolf!!! Where did this murderer come from?!?”

Animation Tighten GIF by Reuben Armstrong


Interestingly, and I welcome this, when you google “coercive control” the first thing that comes up is “Help is available” and an 800 number to call.

Here are the main tactics (as explained within the context of an individual perpetrator to their partner):

  1. Isolating partner from support system
  2. Excessively monitoring partner’s activity throughout the day
  3. Denying partner’s freedom and autonomy
  4. Lying and gaslighting
  5. Name-calling and putting down partner
  6. Limiting partner’s access to money (even their own finances)
  7. Reinforcing traditional gender roles
  8. Turning partner’s own kids against them
  9. Controlling aspects of partner’s health and body
  10. Making jealous accusations
  11. Regulating the sexual relationship decisions
  12. Threatening partner’s pets and/or children

How many of these tactics are already being used against certain groups in the U.S. (and other countries as well)?

The law understands this now. If no one steps in until a victim is physically harmed, it’s too late.


But hey, it may be too late to actually help, but at least he’s calling for police brutality after the fact! That…is supposed to make it better, I guess? Because the point isn’t to protect innocent people, just to take eyes for eyes?

Here are what mine look like: :roll_eyes:


This particular group is has latched on to one particular tactic. They (this particular group) are very careful to stay clearly within the law. These particular individuals have enough brain cells to realize, groups that break the law, even slightly, are much easier to shut down, so they don’t do that.

Using their additional few brain cells, they realized that while they’re never going to build much of a following by seriously stating their points and building support, they can pick up followers by trollling, which means provoking high-profile responses. They love every single time the media or a politician mentions them.

Attention is their oxygen. I wouldn’t ignore them (this particular group) but I do wish the media and politicians wouldn’t mention them, certainly would avoid their name.

Other groups, other tactics. Everything I’m saying in this post is about this specific group and their specific strategy.

I’ve tried to explain, they are using media mentions and reactions to help them build this community. They are like a contagion. Cut the transmission of it…

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Your apparent POV is often deeply disturbing.


If your contention is that private individuals and organizations can’t criticize or take some actions against those who do execrable things that are not punishable by the government- it’s false.


How is that different than ignoring them? Are private citizens supposed to use their personal contacts to monitor what extremist groups are up to and just spread the warnings by word of mouth?


We can’t ignore them, media can’t ignore them. But I do think media could do a better job making it clear exactly how awful the views of these groups are. I’m tired of media soft balling people advocating for genocide. Which is what these white supremacists, transphobes, and anti LGBTQ+ are really doing. They want everyone they hate dead


Or maybe condemn their behavior and views as incompatible with civilization. Historically, as has been pointed out, ignoring them (and that includes media) doesn’t work.