Sunlight is the Best Disinfectant

So - you’re just asking questions?


Sorry all. Carry on.

So I know who the fascists are but what are the names of people on the other side? Who is “other side” Trump? Who is “other side” MTG and Matt Gaetz? Who is “other side” meadows? When was the “other side” Jan 6th? Did it happen in the same Capitol or is there a different Capitol on the “other side?” What is the 'other side" q? Where is this “other side” extremist terrorist cell in our government?

As far as I can see it’s all a figment of the fascist party’s fabrication as a justification for terrorism and sedition.


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Proving yet again that sunlight really is the best disinfectant.


So yesterday i posted (and subsequently deleted because it was off topic) a comment about “white replacement panic” in a different thread. I started out saying that I had read about it in various parts of the internet. I have since realized after doing more searches that the topic is a pernicious white supremacist conspiracy theory. The whole thing makes no sense, as I mentioned in my comment, so it’s not really worth discussion.

I just wanted to reassure anyone who saw the comment that I don’t wallow in white supremacist websites, unless you count reddit, which is where I saw the phrase mentioned.

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I just don’t find this surprising or rage inducing. Guy has repeatedly shown himself to be god emperor of the tech bro douchebags. Where is the news in this news?


Fanbois aside, most of us know Musk’s an arsehole. However, this latest story shows a new level of awfulness and is newsworthy and deserving of being exposed to sunlight.


Clearly Musk’s own company thinks the news is noteworthy or they wouldn’t have paid the woman in question a quarter million dollars to stay quiet about it.


Unlike other things…


Fanbois be like “he was just tanning his testicles”.


Why do we keep hearing about this moron’s moronic statements? How big afollowing does she have beyond those who can’t believe what an idiot she is but can’t stop watching and those who tune in to be entertained by her next performance? Sometimes I think liberal outrage is what keeps these lesser fools in prominent positions… Creatures like Rick DeSantis, whose evil is backed by a certain amount of political and tactical ability, are people we can’t afford to ignore. But given that MTG is just a Mouth of Little Brain, perhaps simply ignoring her would rob her of her reason to exist. She could go crawl back under whatever rock she came from.

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In this case, it’s safe to generalize.


Interesting plan, to just have all the media stop giving her any attention. I’m curious how you plan to get Fox onboard – you know, the media that actually goes to her supporters – or if it’s only important that the left pay no attention to what’s happening.



That always works!


The expansion of clickbait contempt porn makes a lot more sense if you think of it as part of the funding model.

You’re doing a bang up job of ignoring them.


Ooh, that’s a new one.


If we just pretend they’re harmless, tho!!!
trump hair GIF