Originally published at: Suns out, buns out! Sunflower farm erects signage banning nude photography | Boing Boing
But… how else is one supposed to pose with a sunflower?
Sounds like a reasonable request.
I was unaware that sunflowers induced nudity.
Think I’ll plant some in the front yard next year.
Hmmm, so sunflowers encourage nudity? I’ve got a back field I’m not doing anything with, time to go look at the seed catalogs and see which sunflowers look the most photogenic!
(/s, if you have no sense of humor.)
Nudity is for private sessions only?
I was in a sunflower field once. It’s like a cornfield, meaning you go in deep enough and you effectively disappear from view. Easy to see then how people feel compelled to get naked, and I suspect the number of people who didn’t get caught is way more than six and will continue to grow!
Yeah, this seems completely reasonable. Lots of rage bait on here of late.
I love getting nude outdoors where it’s allowed, but I don’t see how this story is getting the least bit of attention. It’s a private farm, even if visitors are allowed to roam around freely. It’s not unreasonable for the owners to tell people not to get naked on their farm! (Although perhaps they’re missing a money making opportunity? )
As a kid who grew up on a farm I can say with authority the edges of corn leaves are very sharp and cutting. A fool boy running naked through a corn field could end up in the boys’ choir forever.
I’ve heard of tip-toeing through the tulips, but not stripping in the sunflowers.
The sunflower is the Kansas state flower, and i grew a couple giant ones ones year! They got huge!
Hmmm…would I go to an all nude, let’s say mid-summer…Bastille Day…Sunflower maze (like a corn maze, but…)…hmmmm…
Couple of posters, a facebook post and bingo more customers.
Six in less than three weeks for a farm tucked away on a smallish island, especially considering how un-summerlike August has been, does seem high.
Given the small number of incidents, and the increased exposure this story is getting, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was a 4-D chess plan to entice even more nudists to their farm.
Suns out, buns out! Sunflower farm erects signage banning nude photography I see what you did there

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