Sunset magazine suggests dosing your family with cannabis gravy at Thanksgiving

Sunset Magazine was always there when I was growing up- not at our house, good lord! -but on the tastefully arranged coffee tables and the fake glass hard candy and the praying Jesus on the wall of other family’s houses. The National Geographics were there too, but those were generally in the bathroom to give constipated patriarchs something to read during their constitutional.

With this article, they seem quite keen to shed their stuffy “leave it to Beaver” reputation and go whole hog into what kids today are up to. You can really tell no one in the editor’s room actually partakes, or else they’dve caught this before it went live.


It was a deglaze the pan thing (one for the cook, one for the pan) that just got out of hand over time. And we didn’t dye ours green, he just kept it by his plate and you had to ask for it. I always went for a tiny dab of the fully fueled gravy and then mostly normal gravy. He was also notorious for making the booziest fondue (an Xmas tradition).

I meant a cannabis infused gravy actually sounds pretty good (mb w basil and rosemary from my garden to amp up the green). I think the leaves and so on would give you the flavor without sending you into inner space. Funny, Enkwife and I have been drinking sweet vermouth. She likes hers with ice and a small lemon ice cube. I found that you can buy the cheaper stuff and throw a dash of bitters on top and extra ice cube = profit. I want to make my own bitters formula… now I’m inspired to make an offshoot bitters recipe, ahem. Cardamon, rosemary, black peppercorns, fennel seeds, star anise, mb nutmeg, mb a few mustard seeds, a scintilla of hot pepper flake?


If you’re hosting, I have a suggestion. :smiling_imp:

There is that thing people were doing a few years ago, where everyone has a little card at their place setting, with some kind of Thanksgiving platitude or feel-good story, and each person reads their card and says what it means to them.

So, seed a few of the cards with actual platitudes, but then mix in direct quotes from the Federal statute, each of the criminal codes that Trump has violated…


Hey everybody! Guess that crime time!

I like it.

Another great idea:


The day Barney Miller and his fellow detectives ate hash-infused brownies:


Was gonna post this myself if no one else did!


Next Halloween, you can be the one to post the Barney Miller “werewolf” episode!

:neutral_face::open_mouth: :confounded::wolf:


I’ve been binging on the complete run of Barney Miller for the past several weeks. What a great show. While it laid the groundwork for a lot of modern shows, I doubt it could get made again today (even for Netflix).


Totally understandable and warranted. This article didn’t feel true to the Sunset brand as I know it, but maybe they’re changing.


more like par-toked
am I right?

Ye, *Up top for high five *
*waiting awkwardly *… no? . okay


Sav’ry gravy

Fair enough; don’t give anyone any chemical or substance with their knowledge and permission.


In other words, they got called out for being irresponsible assholes promoting abuse and are now trying to play it off as a joke.


They’d be better off admitting they fucked up and promising not to do it again and following through on that promise.


Thank you. I appreciate you bringing this up.

@Rusty_Blazenhoff, please don’t ever use the word rape to describe anything other than actual rape. It waters down the term and is a false equivalency.


Read the headline as “dousing your family”. I suspect they would resist.


Try “dosing”. You’re not spraying them with lighter fluid, you’re just slipping them some secret sauce. More gravy, anyone?

I’m that way with reds. I’ve never cooked with a white though, like you and @DonatellaNobody did. I’ll have to try that.


Maybe a saving throw in addition to the income. How many of us went “hey, Sunrise still exists!”


It’s easy to write this off as only weed, only something that people take recreationally to get a little buzz on, but people also say it’s just one peanut and my annoying sister in law’s allergy is probably fake.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t see much difference between dosing someone’s food, slipping them a roofie, and fucking with their allergies. If you don’t know how they’re going to react to it, don’t do it.


Hear hear. I got slipped a weed brownie at a party once by a supposed friend. I HATE being stoned at parties. Aside from that, it felt manipulative and controlling at best, and not at all “just good fun.”

And no, we’re not friends anymore. That wasn’t the last straw, but I eventually did get wise to her.