Unless you’ve had it up to HERE with their annoying shit and it’s time for cyanide.
Melania, is that you?
I had a friend who, at I think 14, naively accepted an orange from a stranger at a Grateful Dead concert. It was a hell of a funny story, but I look back on it and I’m like, that could have been really dangerous and traumatizing. For all I know it was traumatizing and the joke was papering over that (I wasn’t wise enough as a teenager to think of that possibility, but I am now).
Yep. You’d think an orange would be okay, because it has a peel on it, but they’re juicy enough where someone can inject something into them with a syringe.
Holy shit I’m becoming paranoid. I’m turning into my mother.
To be fair, it was a Grateful Dead concert. Mostly strangers expect you to pay them for acid rather than handing it out for free. I managed to get through my entire adolescence always knowing what in my immediate vicinity was acid and what was not.
I agree. I have a major food allergy and people don’t take it seriously and have become very sick from food people made me and thought it was no big deal when it is, in fact, a very big deal.
It is also a very big deal when someone is drugged without their consent with any kind of drug, recreational or not. It is a violation of their body, mind and autonomy.
I’m also a survivor of sexual assault. Being drugged without your consent is NOT the same thing as being raped. The word rape should not be used in this context and not using it in this context doesn’t mean it’s not serious or traumatic. There is other language to use to describe this type of act, and rape is not it.
I’m pretty comfortable with recreational substances and still have encountered some pot brownies that were far more intense than any acid or mushrooms trip I’ve ever had. With a novice that loves gravy, the potential for something bad to happen is very real.
I was also roofied once. I started to type up the experience now but, I had the feeling the details would be traumatizing for people sexually assaulted in similar situations and I don’t want to trigger those memories for anyone.
tldt; don’t dose people.
Too long, don’t try?
Was a typo, but I like your interpretation. All I will say is that it was like Billy Pilgrim, suddenly finding myself in random places and social situations all over town. Eventually woke up alone on someones lawn in an unfamiliar place. With a dead phone and no idea which direction to walk home.
By the way, don’t eat the figs.
I’ve seen at least one alt-righter on Twitter claim that weed made him more reactionary.
Say what now?
Dude, I’m telling you, you should try that weed. It made me get way more reactionary!
For starters, I just don’t believe alt-right people talk that way. Second, if what you’re saying is true, then why aren’t most neo-Nazis also potheads?
This probably does not need to be said but…
It has no bearing on politics whatsoever. Weed doesn’t make anyone think anything. It’s not brain-controlling fungus.
But somewhere in this wide world there is a person who longs to talk about their white supremacy but is too anxious about how they will be judged. And weed is just waiting to melt that anxiety.
It still doesn’t put that thought in their head.
I would go see that band live based on just the name.
It’s a lot catchier than Entomophthora Muscae, that’s for damn sure.
I hear they’re opening for Ozzy the Rescue Weasel.
Ah yes, that is the band name used when the lead singer leaves the band to start a mega prog rock band that includes a full backing orchestra and no longer cares about being easily googled.
Ermegard that is one adorable weasel.
Yep. I’m kind of straight edge lite (I’m not against people enjoying what they enjoy, but I’m weird, difficult and easily confused enough without messing with my brain), and when I was younger once I got slipped MDMA of all things at a concert by some people I called my friends at the time. They said they always wondered what I was like when I’m high. And… yeah. Me, I wonder how some people can be so shitty.
To make it worse, I noticed as I was getting high, called the fuckers out, started to panic, etc., overall it was such an utterly shit experience. A (real) friend took me home and I rode it out but needless to say that was the end of my friendship with the rest of those dicks.