☭ Sup Marxists? ☭

Sounds like some foodist is trying to shut down FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS, Ugh.

There aren’t only inflated costs - there are severe difficulties in obtaining the raw ingredients to make indole hallucinogens, those materials and those who trade them are scrutinized closely. So it becomes more logistically feasible, and hence “profitable” to offer research chemicals (such as Bromo, 2CB, etc) which are less strictly regulated. So, in this case, government regulations make it prohibitive to sell “the real thing”.

Another problem area is lack of psychopharmaceutical knowledge of both suppliers and customers. Those who test for effects and potency by subjective means alone often cannot discern between substances with similar effects. And offering them with the name of a well-known substance is, unfortunately, more likely to encourage interest than some exotic thing few have heard of. Broad street-level interest in new synthetic/designer drugs is a fairly recent thing.

I think that the whole “drug” model should be rejected, and such things sold like any other lab chemicals. That demonstrates a market with tight specs where the main regulations are simply purity and safe handling precautions. With no hype and no claims.


More likely to be 25-I on blotters than 2CB. I love that whole family, mind you. 2CE is an especial favourite of mine. Wheeeeee!




and just some grousing about how he wrote the d**n thing in PHP and I’m worrying about xmas bills THE F****R

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Like, even if his generosity wasn’t a benefit to him, even if it was genuine generosity, I’m so sick of people fawning over the mega-rich when they do nice things with their mega-wealth. Yeah, if I had $100B then I might give $99B away. I’d still be stupid rich and get to do whatever I want and get to boss other people around and live without actually connecting to society in any meaningful way and without having to ever meet anyone else’s expectations. I’d still have dramatically outsized influence and be turned to with reverence on policy issues I don’t know anything about.

If Zuckerburg genuinely gave away 99% of his wealth, we have to realize that would be less of a hardship for him than it would be for me to give up $20. This is a less generous gift than me stopping to give change to a person on the street. And what it really is, is all of us collectively agreeing that Zuckerburg’s priorities for charity ought to be our priorities, because if those billions buy something, it isn’t going to be Zuckerburg who puts in the labour to build that thing or to do that thing.

Screw the Man.



It’s nice to see Cultural Marxism getting some attention again. We’ve been so busy with other things. Back to doing whatever it is that first tweet said we do.

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A single month of [the Pill] would be enough to have even the most loyal woman deliberately tripping attractive men and falling on top of them… regardless of affirmative consent. Be aware lads, if she’s on the Pill, you’re probably getting cucked — unless you’re dating a polyamorous third-wave feminist, in which case you’re getting cucked no matter what birth control method is being used (and let’s be honest, it’s probably abstinence).

As far as I can tell most women are hysterical hypercritical harpies towards their boyfriends and husbands the vast majority of the time. Man am I relieved to be a fag right now.

…the Twilight Zone insanity endemic to the female brain.

Not a fan of women then, I take it?


Milo Yiannopoulos is the kind of person who gets written up into a dossier, but I’ve misplaced my copy.


Wow…that man is a pretty awful person, isn’t he?


As much as I hate that dude, and all the the MRA types that flock to him, it is useful to see behind the curtain now and then. Know thine enemy, etc etc.

Also remember, this is they guy that says women will be sorry once we have sex robots because him and all his brethren will turn to sex robots and leave us alone. LOL


Can we help him with implementation? Pretty please?


I love that the reaction to MGTOW is generally “OMG PLEASE YES GO!!!”


Possessive much? Maybe the “sex robot” is you!


So Breitbart is hosting a columnist who is openly advocating that men become gay? I thought that trying to turn everyone gay was our thing as cultural marxists. We’ve gotta do something, and fast, otherwise the right wing is going to corner the market on turning people gay.


… and I’m okay with that.


I’m just frustrated to see our decades-long conspiracy to change community college courses shown up by some asshole who just openly says, “Women are crazy, when not do men?”