Super Bowl Jesus Ad funded by groups fostering "hateful Christian Nationalism"

Ohhhhh, yeah. I remember that ad. At the time, I probably didn’t realize it was associated with a religion. I just knew L. Ron Hubbard as a bad sci-fi writer then. And I don’t think the stranger aspects of Scientology (Xenu and all that stuff) were common knowledge then.


I’d assume that it was an unironic statement by someone who worships performative strength, like the people who paste Trump’s head onto Rambo.


That film was so long ago that I always hear Rimbaud in my head when someone says Rambo. Enivrer vous!


That is deliberate.

Morrell also felt that its pronunciation was similar to the surname of Arthur Rimbaud, the title of whose most famous work, A Season in Hell, seemed to him “an apt metaphor for the prisoner-of-war experiences that I imagined Rambo suffering”.[4] Furthermore, an Arthur J. Rambo was an actual U.S. soldier in Vietnam, but he never returned.[5]


I just assumed the name was an anglicisation of Rimbaud if it’s ever spelt like that in the wild.


If you are missing Sylvester Stallone…

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Really not (I did enjoy Rocky and Paradise Alley when I was a kid but haven’t actually seen any of the other Rocky or Rambo movies. Even as a child I noped out of that shit).


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