Suspect in custody, casualties reported in another school shooting

When the topic comes up, he’s going to point out that no one knows more about guns because he was shot in the ear. For all we know, the bullet could have gone in the other ear first, and passed through his head unimpeded till it hit the other ear.


So that’s what they mean with “war on Christmas”. You’re getting weapons of war on Christmas Day.


I hope his family sues. On the worst day of their lives, the press made it even worse.



Sick, sickening bastards.


Miller asked if there were any weapons in the house.

“There are,” the father replied. “I mean there’s nothing loaded but they are down… We do actually do a lot of shooting. We do a lot of deer hunting. He shot his first deer this year.”

The father went on, “I’m trying to teach him about firearms and safety and how to do it all and get him interested in the outdoors. And get him away from those video games.”

The father showed the investigators a photo on his phone of what he hoped had replaced online gaming for his son.

“The picture on my phone, you see him with blood on his cheeks from shooting his first deer,” the father said. “It was just the greatest day ever.”

The father added, “He knows the seriousness of weapons and what they can do and how to use them and not use them.”

The father said he wanted the investigator to speak directly to Colt about the supposed school shooting threat.

Let me break down for a second what that dumbfuck believed. That man completely fell for the conservative and NRA talking point of blaming games for violence so he gave a kid an assault rifle to get him away from the games and then that kid went on a shooting spree.

People died not just of because of the easy access of that rifle and that kid’s mental state, but because that moron believed it’s violent games fault for those shootings instead of those two things I just mentioned. Two things he could have stepped in to do something about. Throw him behind bars and throw away the key at least for his own sake before he does something even more brain damaged to hurt himself.



Also… the second I heard his name, it was obvious he was white and from a gun nut family. :woman_shrugging: I mean… COLT…

Anyway… There’s a reason I don’t watch the local commercial outlets. WABE is not perfect by any means, but they work hard to get shit right and issue apologies if they do not.


I am struggling with the early publication of a photo claiming to be the shooter but was actually a Black kid who was one of the victims. WTAF, people!!


No, it’s super fucked up. WSB is based in ATL they should know better… apparently, the racist exurbs is more important to pander to than getting the truth out.



Some rightoid talking heads on CNN the other night were saying how popular AR-15s are used for hunting. I was thinking, “hunting what?”

Another talking head rightly said that they would rather children not get murdered in classrooms than the rightoid guy be allowed to own an AR-15.

Our priorities are so fucked in this country thanks to the gun lobby and gun culture.


Is it just me, or does being proud of hunting with an AR style rifle sound a bit like being proud of lake fishing with dynamite and a trawl net?

It’s proudly declaring to the world that you have no idea what you’re doing and are using overkill instead of skill, and are so ignorant that you don’t know there’s even a difference.


The Office Yes GIF


I was especially struck by this part:

However, when mass shooting after mass shooting happens consistently in America, next to nothing is ever done about it. There’s never any significant change in the law. We generally get to watch politicians and pundits quibble about the efficacy of gun laws and whether they infringe on the Second Amendment, and then once the new story of a new shooting gets old enough to fall out of the current news cycle, we pretty much go back to business as usual, which is to say, we just wait for the next shooting to happen, and rinse and repeat.


The civil war is real and we are losing it one dead kid at a time. The Russians won. Goodbye US.

Or… we stop, disarm the fuckheads, and shoot their fucking “narrative” in the head.

If that metaphor seems more violent than the edited-out screams of dying children in your newsreel… yeah you need to kill your demon…



It’s just a thought…


I’ve observed similar things before. I don’t get having a hobby but not being proud of your skills in it (but that’s why I prefer sailing to powerboating as well, I suppose)


while i do think that – as long as we’re going to charge the father of this shooter – we should be charging gop leadership with manslaughter as well…

the real difference is law.

canada doesn’t have guns the way we do. they restrict and ban many types, including the ar-15. they require licenses, regular training, limit kinds of ammo, and all those things we’re told – even by members on this forum – won’t do any good

we can blame the gop for blocking regulation. but it’s the regulation that makes all the difference