Swimming in a liquid sand hot tub

Raver scabbies

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Hydrophobic Hottub!

I’d like to see if a similar liquefaction effect could be achieved by putting it on a shaker table that vibrates the tub at the right frequency. Potentially less silica dust thrown into the air that way.

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Bah! Silicosis is a manly death!


One fish, two fish, red fish, fabulous fish!



If you do it with water instead of air, it’s quicksand.

OK, new plan for the front of my castle gates…


Yup. Eye protection mandatory for that kind of science!

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Sitting in a hot tub full of sand whilst high on 2cb so as to make the sand look glittery is a better idea than a jacuzzi full of glitter. Are you insane?

This is actually a sound idea and i’ve heard it before. Trying to find it on Google, but i remember seeing somewhere where that very same principle was being tested as a means to stop vehicles from running past security checkpoints in certain installations. I couldn’t find a source but i did find a video of this concept in action on some random tv show

Edit: Think where i heard it previously was Mythbusters ages ago. Not totally sure


Nope. There’ll still be a few specks stuck the the next universe.



This makes me think how strange liquid is. As its no surprise that sand and air behave like this.

The only reason I’d do this is to build sandcastles at eye-level.

Which presents many problems.

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