Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/02/syfy-makes-all-four-seasons-of.html
I’ve never made it past about halfway into the first episode because of the horrendous shakey-cam. Is the whole series like that? Because I keep wanting to try it, but I don’t think my stomach can take it.
Pretty much, yes.
That said, there’s only two seasons worthy of going though that, the other two are a slow descent into crap for lack of fore planning from the writers.
I have been trying to stream for 24 hours now, but I can’t get it to load. Anyone else success or failure?
Oh, and… So say we all!
Seems prophetic now…
Hang on a moment:
- the series was filmed in Canada
- half the cast is Canadian
(Tricia Helfer, Grace Park, Michael Hogan, Aaron Douglas, Tahmoh Penikett, Alessandro Juliani, Donnelly Rhodes, Nicki Clyne, Leah Cairns, Rekha Sharma, Paul Campbell, Kate Vernon, Brad Dryborough, Matthew Bennett, Luciana Carro… at this point my 14-year old daughter has accused me of channelling Sheldon Cooper
but yet SyFY mocks us with “This content is not available in your location.”
…and thus are we compelled to measures down to which we care otherwise not to stoop…
We all get to enjoy an incompetent, shallow, Baltar-like character at the helm right now!
The first episode of season three is really worth watching. In fact, with a little bit of retcon at the closing credits. Some, “where are they now” kind of text is all we would need to make it the series finale.
That episode was the last time the show subverted my expectations to such a great effect. After that, though, I totally agree. There’s no point in watching any further.
It would be great if the original poster would mention where the free streaming is actually happening… or is boing boing subtlety suggesting who should be viewing their web site?
Except that Baltar was a legit genius who actually had redeeming qualities.
If you can’t watch the stream on SyFy, Comet TV will begin airing episodes starting April 6 from 8:00 to 10:00 PM, Monday through Thursday. They broadcast over the air, on some cable systems, and can be viewed on Roku and Apple TV.
(No, I don’t work for Comet, I’m just rather fond of their lineups. )
My favorite Portlandia sketch.
From the explanation to the power conpany, the random Ronald D. Moore they found in the telephone book, and the table read…just perfection.
I tried earlier, I did not have to stoop that far.
Is SyFy trying to make up for cancelling The Magicians?
BSG’s reboot was perhaps the best science fiction series I’ve seen in years, so woo-hoo!
how does one watch the series without seeing the miniseries/pilot that started it all?
Not fair!
For me it doesn’t play in firefox because of security/privacy settings, but if I turn off 3rd party blockers it plays fine
Many moons ago I heard buzz about this show and torrented a few episodes, this eventually led to me purchasing them all and loving it.
A few moments ago I tried this “free” offer. On my first attempt I got an inscrutable error, on my second attempt I got a very low quality commercial for what appeared to be corn chips.
To make a long story short, pirating is far superior to this.
Try opening in Opera browser w VPN enabled