Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2016/11/02/t-rex-cowboy-rides-a-rodeo-bul.html
In flyover country, we call those “horses.”
What do y’all call them things with the horns, then?
Damn, I can never get the plural correct.
Mooses? Meese? Moosoosippi?
At 5 minutes in… just look at it.
aww, you beat me to it
How does he hold on with those tiny arms?
And at the rodeo we pronounce it “bronk”.
Worst. CGI. Ever.
Riding horses is a no-bull endeavor.
Family members just posted politics on Facebook… I so needed this right now.
I see what you did there.
Rock-paper-scissors-lizard-spock-Trex-trump, eh?
Thus is evolution disproven.
Truly, they were awesome critters:
“The horns are at the back and the asshole’s at the front”.
I have been informed that there is considerable pornography featuring the T-Rex suit.
Cannot confirm or deny.
Rule 34 always applies…