Originally published at: Take a tour of Boston's legendary Skinny House, now for sale | Boing Boing
Worth every spiteful penny.
A million dollars to live in one of Boston’s tiniest, densest, most cut-off neighborhoods, where the streets are mostly alleys and there’s no place to park?
No thanks.
What makes a neighborhood “cut-off”? From the T?
Also, what’s with these newscasters describing the brothers’ story as the most Boston thing ever? It’s not the City of Brotherly Love, but does it really proudly carry a reputation that would suggest this story? I lived there for five years (without a car - and would do it again) but didn’t pick this up.
The North End isn’t as cut off as it used to be. There’s no parking, but tiny, dense, alleys? Some oft he best food in Boston and steps to the T and downtown. You don’t need a car except to get out of the city. What’s not to like? You can probably flip that house in 10 years for 1.5 mil too.
Sounds like you’re working for your car. Simplify… man!
The North End used to be cut off from the rest of the city by the elevated highway, but the big dig buried all that and you can just stroll from North Station to the North End without endangering your life now.
Love of spite!
It wouldn’t be that unusual in Japan.
I think “the most Boston thing ever” is when someone proudly defends their neighborhood against criticism.
Not cut off anymore. The Big Dig took down the expressway.
Yeah. I know. Still, it always feels cut off to me because whenever I’m down in that part of town I get stuck in a traffic jam along the Rose Kennedy Greenway. Or maybe it just feels oppressive/stressful so I have an unfair image of the neighborhood.
As per the Wikipedia article:
We had a party of 10 one New Year’s Eve, and when one person has to go to the bathroom, everyone has to move. … We’ve had people just walk into our backyard and sit at our picnic table. … They say, “We’ll just be a couple of minutes, we just want to take a couple of pictures.” That was bizarre.
“Cool, cool, no problem. I’m just going to rifle through your purses and wallets, it won’t take but a moment. Say! I bet you wear really comfortable underwear. I think I’ll try them on myself!”
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