I meant “fiscal”.
Like most of these surveys I found the test far too long.
Here’s my result:
I’m in 5, the “holy crap. Look at that!” segment. Getting ready to jump into 8 with both feet for the primaries.
Tests like this are great for getting me out of my filter bubble. In my real life I am seen as comparatively authoritarian and rightist.
Economic Left/Right: -9.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -8.0
Economic Left/Right: -4.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -7.03
Not surprisingly, same score as Bernie’s right nipple.
Yep. Despite all the wonky seemingly machine translated questions I greatly preferred that one. I’ll take a neato flag over a quadrant map any day.
You’re gonna start launching nukes any turn now!
Given the answers I gave, I’m not sure how they ended up with this:
When you say “social outcomes”, what are these target outcomes, who prioritizes them and how do we evaluate if they’re being maximized? Do you think that there’s a minority of people who know what’s best for everyone in society and should be deferred to, or do you believe that people should be able to judge the “social outcomes” for themselves?
This is the core debate between authoritarian and libertarian perspectives. If your answer is “I don’t care, whatever saves the most lives”, then surprisingly, you are on the utilitarian authoritarian side, since you believe that your standard for “social outcomes” should be imposed on people who don’t share it.
Interestingly, though, many people who might be tempted to impose standards for social outcomes find that they are actually best promoted when everyone has agency to choose whether and how they pursue those social outcomes. These people are pragmatic libertarians.
Really? That whiff of completely absurd false-equivalency isn’t familiar by now?
Their placement of Clinton is complete Bullshit. Enough that I don’t trust anything else the site puts forth as “true”
Interestingly, the graphic on Mark’s post has Trump far more “Libertarian” and further left than your bottom graph.
Needs a Z-axis for “human/robot.”
No surprises here. -6, -8. However, I protest that individualist/collectivist goals are inherently juxtaposed. Both can be served, as long as the assholes on any given side aren’t in charge.
Apparently I’m more libertarian than Jeremy Corbyn and more Left-Wing than Bernie Sanders.
Do I qualify for sainthood now? /s
Being surrounded by Corbyn, Bernie, Gandhi, Chomsky and, to a lesser extent, Kropotkin, makes me very happy.
If you truly think this, it shows that 1) you have no idea what Hillary Clinton really is like, 2) you have no idea what Donald Trump really is like, or 3) both.
I’m guessing the first one is most likely, since as non-American, I’ve been baffled to see the degree that even quite reasonable Americans have internalized the decades of demonization aimed at her from the right-wing media.