Taking a look at Star Trek: Strange New Worlds series

You may have misread my comment. Criticism isn’t gatekeeping. There were plaudits in addition to criticism. I was critiquing previous series. I didn’t say they sucked. And I wasn’t judging anyone for liking what they like.


My apologies. I’ve just seen too many people praising SNW lately and using it as an excuse to throw shade at PIC and DSC.


I guess I need clarification on that. In a show with psychic aliens, super powered crystals and multiple easy methods of time travel and universe jumping… What exactly does one mean by “science all wrong”?


I saw a preview for this and was like - this is the most Trek looking thing since The Orville. I never went back to the grim dark Discovery, though I hear they lightened it up some. But this looked so much more optimistic and bright.


ST:LD is available on DVD and Blu-Ray; try checking your local library! Disclaimer: I made sure our branch picked up the DVD when it became available.


Hasn’t been ‘grimdark’ since season 1 (and we just finished 4)and that worked for the setting it was in (Klingon war/mirror universe)

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Um, they already DID a baseball show…



I was so turned off I didn’t come back. I should have stuck with it, maybe. It doesn’t help I don’t want to get Paramount plus.

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I was asked recently if there was any old school trek episode that could be stretched out into the newer 10 episode/big arc and this was my answer. Fill out the back story more with flashbacks. Film the entire game. Final episode is one huge party.


The only other hope I have for this show is more episodic stories. It doesn’t have to be entirely disconnected events just some stuff that wraps up in that episode that can lead to whatever the writers have in mind for the season arc.


that is exactly what SNW is gonna be! Continuing threads between characters but each episode is a self contained story. I am not even sure if we are getting an overall definitive arc. I am thrilled that there is are three flavors of Trek running strong. Episodic with loose connection (SNW) Giant epic season long story (PIC/DSC) and episodic with a definitve arc underlaid (LD/PRO)

It truly is the latinum era of Trek on TV.


I had extremely mixed feelings about Discovery, and stopped watching after the third season. Picard I stopped after the first season, Lower Decks after the first episode. It all just feels like a bit of a mess, both plot-wise and tonally, with seemingly important plot threads continually dropped or ignored, characters making inexplicably stupid decisions, an ugly, cynical spin on the future, and a general disconnect from the feeling of what Star Trek should be. But all the same, I’m cautiously excited about this one, as I unexpectedly found Anson Mount’s Pike to be one of the best things about Discovery and was very sorry to see him go. At the time I sort of wished that he’d be given his own series, and it looks like that wish is being granted.


You have no idea how much I long for that. Not just in Star Trek, but in general. Is there any episodic TV left?

The same is true for film franchises btw. Oh, how I hope the next James Bond film is a single self-contained narrative.


Star trek used to be different and exciting an interesting. A study on human characterisation, what makes us the worst and the best, capable of cruelty and beauty. Well written stories, meaningful character arcs, background conflict spanning decades and light years

With the odd cringe bad episode thrown in to lighten up and the occasional fan service favourite character brought in. As a package it was a solid offering with fantastic rewatchability…

Nowadays it has fallen into the same pit as Star Wars, forget the lore, forget the history, the politics, the motivations, forget what made it great but niche and try to go mainstream. Strip all the characters until there is nothing but catch phrases left, mix all the “popular” themes and storylines, mash everything together and pack it into a digital envelope to sell via streaming service

I am struggling through Picard S2, I saw some red flags on the first episodes, the old “mirror universe” trope, the Borg, Q… we’ve been there, far too many times, but I decided to give it a try.

Now I am a couple of episodes behind and stating to get that sinking feeling its not worth it, like being stuck on a game and giving up. I might go back and watch them, if anything so I can enjoy Red letter media making fun of them.

How the mighty have fallen

I don’t know about that. I like Trek (and don’t hate SW and occasionally like it a lot) but most of my friends are seriously into ST. They all have different focuses but I guess if I had to average out their order it would be DS9 → DSC → TNG and then far too many with different orders. It actually skews comparatively recent. Enterprise would be an outlier though it’s probably just me who couldn’t get past the hair metal ballad at the beginning. They all also love Lower Decks and watch Picard a bit more ambivilantly. I don’t know anyone who cares for the Abrams stuff but I’m sure they exist.

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That’d be nice. There’s certainly an ideal space between “everything resets to normal by the end of the episode and the events, no matter how weird or traumatic, are never so much as mentioned again” and “every episode the characters get a piece of the key they need to access the final boss at the end of the season”. I feel like Deep Space Nine pulled this off pretty well. Characters and their relationships grew and developed, sometimes people died or were traumatized and future episodes would acknowledge and explore it, minor characters would turn up again sometimes in an episode down the road, and the show had large story arcs while still having most episodes be self-contained adventures that had their own ideas and messages separate from the larger picture.


Tim Russ lets you know the score:


None of these new Trek shows have anything to do with Trek. Especially Picard, which is ironic. Trek is no longer about about an idealized future lead by a rationalizing, curious vanguard. The shows are stupid, regressively pandering, and try to obfuscate their hollow storytelling and characterizations with empty blather about “Family, Hope, etc” and whizz bang action.

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So I guess us old school fans who are enjoying the new shows and see the heart of trek flowing just fine dont know what we are seeing then?

Its ok to not like it, but I strongly disagree with your stance.


Someone has to keep the gate from us “fake geeks”… /s