Originally published at: Tampa's police chief flashed her badge when she was pulled over in a golf cart. Now she's resigned | Boing Boing
Amateur move. You’re supposed to play the “do you know who I am?” when the stakes are high.
Haven’t seen the footage but, lemme’ guess- may alcohol have been a factor?
“In hindsight, I realize how my handling of this matter could be viewed as inappropriate, but that was certainly not my intent. I knew my conversation was on video, and my motive was not to put the deputy in an uncomfortable position. I have personally called the Pinellas County Sheriff offering to pay for any potential citation,” she added.
“Please just allow me to pay the citation and please just look the other way when it comes to all the other legal and administrative violations I committed.”
When I was in HS, a friend’s brother finally became a cop (I had worked with him at Walmart).
I remember him telling me that they aren’t supposed to flash their badges to get out of a ticket. How naive to think they weren’t doing that at every chance they got.
Kissing goodbye to a $192,920 job to avoid a $30 fine. Classic Florida.
the golf-cart friendly community
Another one of those oppressed communities, eh? It’s hard to keep up with them all these days. /s
Rules for thee, not for me.
Ah, well.
when one form of privilege is not enough
This happens all the time, with and without the badge. The fact that it happened so close to home, and that the couple still were let off the hook, on camera, with no repurcussions to the cop, should be brought up in this trial, or at least the press around it.
would be an interesting play.
see also “constitutional sheriffs” like grady fucking judd - who have gone on record saying they will not enforce “gun control” laws in their counties - as evidence of moRon’s duplicity and selective enforcement of his dubious orders.
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