Target to remove LGBTQ-themed merchandise from stores to appease conservatives

Weird how the “for the safety of staff” bullshit is because of threats by the fucking fascists in the first place.

Most people here on the threads are white, and straight.
You probably have no real idea how tiring this all is to queer people. How draining. How desperate it makes us feel, constantly.
Every day, another “request” for us to be hidden, another threat, another assualt, another rule, another lie, another law, another murder, EVERY FUCKING DAY.

Then there’s a little glimmer as somebody says “We stock this thing for you!” and we know it isn’t worth getting excited about, but we want to, we deserve joy and to be included - but we know that soon, real soon, they’ll cave. Again.
Every. Fucking. Time.

So while you all think, "…hmm, something ought to be done… " yet another queer person is wondering how they’re going to get through the day, why they should even bother, when clearly the world doesn’t care about them, because this battle is every fucking day, and it wears people down. Desperate people do desperate things without hope.

Your allyship means fuck all if you don’t actually stand up for us.