Ted Cruz to addiction scientists: "you can kiss my ass"

I won’t rest until the last beer is dumped out with a bucket made of the last melted-down gun.

That would take a lot more than two beers, Ted. I’m not sure there’s enough beers in the world for that.


OMG :laughing: It’s a ‘guideline’…at least if you ignore the bejeezues out of it in Canada your medical expenses won’t destroy your savings… :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


i know guys who drink two beers an hour who would be a better senator than this asswipe.


Out of work Deliverance extras love beer says Cruz.

Dear Ted Cruz:

Your ass is not worthy of my lips. Get a life, already, asshole!

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that screenshot can’t be real. It must be AI generated, using “faux farmer”, “faux cowboy”, “matching hats”, and “matching shirts” as the prescribed background.

And if those people are his actual friends, having an alcohol problem is the least of their worries.


Yep. A real poster-boy for MCGA.

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We could think of a lot of things to “recommend” to these morons … wink wink

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Boy, someone needs to tell ol’ “Ted” about the recommended limits on dietary fat consumption and get him to do keg stands with barrels of vegetable oil in response.

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Biden also says you shouldn’t eat crisco by the spoonful and totally shouldn’t shoot windex into your veins.


Nope, you keep him! We have enough trouble with transplanted bullshit ideologies.


I thought it was well established by now that Ted Cruz does not have any friends: nobody can stand him, including his own family, and the best he has are people who are willing to hold their noses and put up with him for the right price.

Given that, I posit that the other people in that shot are either hired actors (who aren’t being paid enough), or people who gathered for some other function or activity, which Ted gatecrashed and took over, demonstrating one of the reasons why he has to do that sort of thing.


Thanks, but the Inebriati know one should always have just under 2 drinks


“… this is also my second drink — and that one, that’s my second drink too, and also it’s after midnight so technically it’s a different week now”

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